Page 134 of Dangerous Affair

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I blinked away the sleep and tipped my head back to look at Wilson. I was on his lap and he was seated in a plush leather chair. Jack, Asher, Davis, Reese, and Cole were all scattered around the private jet. Jack sat the closest to Wilson, stealing glances in our direction. I wasn’t sure which one of us he was checking on—me or his friend.

“Can I ask you a question?”

Wilson’s mouth brushed over my temple before he answered.


“Who had me?”

His face completely shut down. He shifted his hands under me and started to lift me off his lap. I burrowed into him and curled my fingers around his bicep.

“Don’t you dare push me away, Wilson McCray. I’ve been held hostage for… I don’t know how many days, saw two men get killed, and sat through some weird dinner party I was fairly certain was going to turn into an orgy. I’m in no mood to fight you, but I will if you think I’m getting off your lap when I finally feel safe.”

I heard Jack chuckle.

Wilson’s hard glare only made Jack laugh harder.

“His name was Andrew Stevens. Billionaire investor who moved to Buenos Aires five years ago. We don’t know how he met Louis but since Andrew has moved to Argentina he’s tasked Louis with finding him two new women each year. Now he’s rotting in hell next to Louis.”

Wilson said that like it was the end of the story.

I lifted my arm to show him my dead watch.

“It was dead when I woke up. How’d you find me?”

“The last location it pinged before it died was Peru. Seeing as I pissed off Louis it wasn’t a stretch he took you.”

I sucked in a sharp breath.

“You think he took me because you bankrupted him?”

“I don’t think it, I know it. I took him out of play. He couldn’t go to the auction but he needed to find two women to deliver to Andrew and collect his payment.”

“This isn’t—”

“Princess, it is. It’s my fault you were drugged, taken, held hostage for four days, and had to sit through that sick fucking dinner wondering when you were going to be violated. Which, I haven’t asked, and, baby, I am begging you…selfishly, straight-up dick move, begging you to give me the next thirty minutes to prepare myself for the details we need to discuss.”

I knew what he needed to ask.

“No one touched me.”

“I watched that motherfucker slap you so I know that’s not true.”

“You saw that?”

“I watched you get dressed, I watched you get seated, I watched Louis drag out the girl. I watched him grab your face. I watched the whole fucking thing. So I didn’t miss when that piece of shit touched your arm and when he hit you.”

Wilson was working himself up into a rage.

“He’s dead, honey, he can’t hurt me or anyone else. And what you saw was the first time I laid eyes on him. He never even told me his name.”

I just had one more…no, two more questions then I’d give him a break.

“Did everything go okay with the auction? Is Cat okay?”

“Cat beat the absolute fuck out of Martin,” Wilson told me. “The rest went smooth. Bad guys were locked up. And the girls are getting the help they need before they’re reunited with their loved ones.”

Thank God.

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