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I flipped open the visor to give myself a quick glance in the mirror, and though I looked presentable enough, I knew that I also looked like I’d had a long day, which I’d had. My last showing had gone over because the couple had been ‘talkers’. Now, working with the public, that usually didn’t bother me. I was selling people their future homes, so it stood to reason that they’d want to tell me all about their family’s needs and whatnot. However, that wasn’t what this client had been interested in. She’d wanted to talk about the ‘demographics’ of the neighborhood, and it took a real talent to be racist without saying anything that could be called out directly.

At any rate, after wasting my time, I’d left her with enough information to decide for herself if she wanted the property or not. I also hadn’t felt bad about it because I knew that she wasn’t going to buy the house. In all actuality, she’d be better off looking for a house in Alaska, miles away from other human beings.

Grabbing my purse and briefcase from the passenger seat, I got out of the car, did my best to smooth my blouse and skirt, then made my way towards the steps and whatever awaited me on the other side of the front door.

As I walked into the house, I walked through the foyer to the living room, and I saw Ashton and Cooper Donaldson sitting on the couch, tumblers of amber liquid in each of their hands.

Before I could say anything, Ashton was on his feet, placing his tumbler on the coffee table. “Savina,” he said, greeting me as he walked towards me.

“Hey,” I greeted back sheepishly.

Ashton grabbed my purse and briefcase from my hands, something that he did whenever I came home after he did. “Traffic?”

I nodded. “Plus, my last client kind of…rambled on a bit too long.”

His blue eyes didn’t give anything away, but he was quick to put on his politician’s smile for Cooper Donaldson. “Cooper, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Savina Valentine.”

Cooper stood up from the couch, then walked over, his arm already stretched out for the customary handshake. “The pictures of you and Ashton don’t do you justice, my dear,” he said graciously.

I smiled as I shook his hand. “Thank you for that lovely compliment. It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Donaldson.”

“Oh, no need to stand on formality,” he said as he dropped my hand. “This is just a casual visit.”

“Nonetheless, I do apologize for my lateness,” I said as Ashton set my purse and briefcase down on one of the decorative tables that littered the brownstone. “Traffic is so unpredictable sometimes.”

He smiled, and it was easy to say that Cooper Donaldson was a handsome man, though older men didn’t do anything for me. He stood confidently at about six-foot-one, and that was impressive if you considered that he was already in his sixties. His hair was dark brown, though peppered with some grey, and his eyes were a startling amber color, which looked like liquid gold up close. He also oozed charm like most politicians, though that was quickly going out of style. Nowadays, most of our governmental officials acted like clowns running the circus.

“I don’t make it to Port Townsend often, but when I do, I do find that the traffic can be quite challenging,” he agreed politely.

“Well, since you’re home, I think dinner is a great-”

“Oh, no, no,” Cooper said, cutting Ashton off. “No need to make a big fuss. Hardworking women need to relax every bit as us hardworking men, don’t you think, Ashton?”

“Of course,” Ashton bit out, but only I noticed the change in his tone.

“It’d really be no trouble,” I quickly rushed out. “I can make a quick-”

“Nonsense,” Cooper huffed, and I wondered if he wasn’t used to being contradicted. “I just needed to speak to your…uh, boyfriend for a moment about something. There really is no need to bring out the candlesticks, young lady.” He smiled at me and Ashton. “I can grab dinner at Paddywhack’s while I’m in town. Though the place lacks in style, the food is certainly worth it.”

“So true,” Ashton agreed.

“Well, it was nice meeting you, Savina,” Cooper said, taking my hand again. “Hopefully, I’ll be seeing you again.”

“Of course,” I automatically replied. “It was nice meeting you, too.”

His sun-colored eyes slid Ashton’s way. “Walk me out, Ashton?”

“Certainly.” Ashton kissed my cheek before escorting Cooper to the front door, and as soon as they were on the other side, I grabbed my purse and briefcase, then headed upstairs for a shower. I needed to wash this day off me, but there really was no point when I was going to do it all again in the morning. Now, while I loved my job, every now and again, I came across a person that really brought no value to the human race.

After tossing my clothes in the hamper, I reached back to undo my bra when the bathroom floor crashed open. Startled, I jumped back, though I really should have been expecting it.

“I told you that he was going to be here at five,” Ashton hissed.

“I know,” I rushed out, blood roaring through my ears already. “But there was a detour on Ala-”

“I don’t give a fuck about some goddamn detour!” he yelled. “You should have been here!”


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