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“Then you have the nerve to walk into the house and flirt with the motherfucker!” he went on.

My eyes widened at that absurdity. “What…what are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about you letting him slobber all over you, letting him go on and on about your looks,” he spat, and I knew that it’d be pointless to argue against his imagination.


“What do you get out of embarrassing me?” he snarled. “Or do you just get off being a fucking ignorant bitch?”

I steeled myself because I’d been here before.

I felt Ashton’s grip on my shoulders, and when I went sliding across the bathroom floor, my shoulder hit the ceramic base of the tub, the pain shooting down my arm. I did my best to wrap my arms around my body, but it was no use. His foot slammed down on my thigh, forcing me to automatically reach for the burning flesh, leaving my stomach unprotected.

As I laid on the floor, enduring Ashton’s violent temper, I reminded myself of how lucky I was that he was still in control enough to leave my face alone. It sounded pathetic and insignificant, but I didn’t feel that way. As long as Ashton didn’t strike me in the face, then I could continue to work, finding a little bit of solace in being away from this hell for a few hours each day.

“Why can’t you ever do what you’re fucking told?!” he raged down at me, his shoes doing their damage to the parts of my body that could be covered with clothing. “Just do what you’re fucking told, Savina!”

I let out a gasp when I felt him grab a chunk of my hair, forcing me to look up at him. Tears were flooding my eyes, making Ashton nothing but a watery blur before me, but I’d learned long ago that tears did nothing for Ashton. The man had no heart, and if he had a soul, then it was as black as night. He was a narcissist to the extreme, and by the time that I’d found out, it’d been too late.

“If your pussy wasn’t so fucking tight, then you’d be good for fucking nothing, you stupid whore,” he spat, his face red with a fury that I was used to by now. “In fact…”

I bit my lip bloody as Ashton dragged me by my hair towards the bedroom. Normally, he didn’t care where he took me, so I knew that dragging me into the other room was just for my benefit. He wanted to show me how angry he was with me, and the man knew how to dish out humiliation like a professional sociopath.

Ashton flung me towards the base of the bed, and I could hear the tearing of my underwear as my eyes found a chip on the corner of the nightstand, calling for me like a safe haven. Since Ashton didn’t exercise any discretion when he was angry, I knew every inch of this brownstone like I’d grown up in it. I knew every detail in every piece of furniture, making the place both my hell and salvation.

Two hours later, I was finally able to take my shower.

Chapter 5


The Sartoris had a shitload of legit businesses that they used to keep the feds off their case, and each one of those businesses had been built and designed for what we did. We had a total of five nightclubs and/or restaurants that had private backrooms where we conducted business, and those same rooms were bulletproof with more guards stationed in them than most banks. The Den was our most profitable nightclub, but that was also because it was a nightclub/strip bar, and you didn’t have to be invited to the backroom to enjoy the lovely ladies.

Like The Den, the backrooms at our other establishments were hidden behind a camouflaged door, and once inside, the rooms were split into two parts. On the right side of the room, there were stripper poles and a couple of stages, where the left side had a full-functioning bar. All rooms came with a balcony that housed three separate VIP rooms, all glass walls, so that there were no secrets. There was also a small kitchenette behind the bar for late night cravings, and if you really didn’t like having your dick out, there was a private room on the other side of the stripper poles, though it was only the size of a walk-in closet.

We conducted a lot of business in those backrooms, and most deals were sealed with a handshake, a few snorts of coke, and whichever lovely lady didn’t mind being used in public. Granted, it all had to be voluntary, but still. Forget money, power, and status; a beautiful woman on her knees for you was what really made a man feel powerful, so closing a deal with some blowjobs worked for everyone involved.

Now, though I’d already given Nero a full report on Manny, I’d heard that his chick’s brother was going to be at The Circle tonight, and so I thought that I’d make an appearance. If he was just here as a regular patron, then I’d have no problems with him being here. However, if he was throwing Manny’s name around, trying to gain privileges, then I was going to have to have a chat with the guy.

As I walked through the doors, the bouncers and staff all greeted me, but the most that they got in return was a nod of acknowledgement or good evening. I wasn’t much of a talker, but that was because there was no value in mindless conversations. Plus, if you were too busy talking, then you weren’t paying attention to what was going on around you, and that was something that I couldn’t afford to do. For years, I’d been Nero’s eyes and ears, and old habits died hard if they even died at all. As his bodyguard, I’d needed to be constantly aware of any threats, and now, as his consigliere, I needed to know every-fucking-thing that was happening in this state, so that I could do my job effectively. In fact, Nero was the only person on the planet that I had full conversations with, and I preferred it that way.

Instead of heading towards the backroom, I headed towards an open VIP section that was reserved for family members only, and though it was only ten o’clock, a few Capos were already making use of the privilege. In fact, Johnny Corelli already had some pussy sitting on his lap, his hand resting comfortably between her thighs. Lonzo Piccoli was less subtle, the girl on his lap letting him rest his hand on her left tit.

Stepping into the area, I got greetings all around, but it wasn’t until I took a seat that Fernando Lupino asked, “What brings you out tonight?”

“Just checking on business,” I answered vaguely, though they should all be used to that standard answer since it was the only one that I ever gave.

“You’re Aurelio Provenza, aren’t you?” the girl on Johnny’s lap asked.

“What?” he huffed. “My dick not good enough for you?”

She immediately recognized her misstep. “No, pumpkin,” she cooed. “I was just asking.”

“Know your place, slut,” he harrumphed, clearly suffering from a small ego.

I also wasn’t impressed with him calling her names. There was no value in mistreating a woman, but there was really no value in mistreating a woman that was being used for your pleasure. Now, if she liked being called a slut, then good for her because I loved getting dirty in the bedroom just as much as the next guy. However, they weren’t in the bedroom, and he wasn’t trying to enhance the experience. He was trying to embarrass her in front of everyone, and simply because she’d asked who I was.

Still, the only reason that I didn’t step in was because most of these girls knew that money was going to be thrown their way once the night was over, so they were usually up for whatever the guys wanted to do with them. So, I wasn’t about to play hero to a woman that was perfectly comfortable in the role that she was playing. Granted, that wasn’t the case if he decided to put hands on her, but until or unless he did, then it wasn’t my business what they had going on between them.

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