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“Welcome to the Hot Dad’s Club,” my dad says as he gives me a hug. Leave it to him to make light of the situation. It seems everyone hears him and laughs.

Harrison and I hug, and he congratulates me. When we part, Elle’s standing there with worry on her face.

“Is my sister okay?”

I nod. “She’s perfect. She’s in recovery and wants me to go be with the babies while they tend to her.”

Elle hugs me, bump and all. “I’ll see if they’ll let me in recovery. I don’t want her to be alone.”

“I appreciate that,” I tell her.

Quinn hands me my phone, which I had honestly forgotten about. “I think boy B looks like me,” he says, smiling.

“Definitely.” We hug hard and he pats my back with his fist.

“Damn, I didn’t think I’d be this emotional over my sister having a kid.”

“Three,” I point out.

“Yeah,” he says, shaking his head. “I can’t wait to hold one of them. Hell, all three.”

“Me, neither.”

It’s like everyone needed to digest the magnitude of the moment and once they did, my family was well before they started in with a round of congratulatory remarks, pats on the shoulder for a job well done, and then cigars. My dad opens a box and hands them to everyone waiting.

“Names, yet?” My mom asks.

“No, not yet. Once we get a chance to spend time with the babies, we’ll name them. We have a list of finalists.”

“All I know is my niece has my name as her middle name,” Elle says proudly.

“She does,” I tell her. “At least she has a middle name.”

Everyone laughs.

We have a round of hugs and I promise to take a lot of photos and send them so the grandparents can gush about their grandchildren.

I head to the nurse’s station and as promised the nurse takes me to the NICU where the babies are. I pass by the large window and peer into the room of cradles. At quick glance, there are four babies in there right now, three of which are mine. Briefly, I wonder why the other is there and quickly pray he or she is okay.

Before we enter the nursery, the nurse shows me where to wash up, and tells me to put gloves and a mask on. After doing so, she takes me to my three children, boy A Westbury, boy B Westbury, and girl Westbury, all in the same incubator.

As I look around, I see how open this place is and how anyone can stand at the window to look in on the babies. Peyton has a ton of privacy, but the babies don’t.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be a pain, but is there something that can be done about their privacy?”

She nods and closes the curtain surrounding them. “Whenever you or Mrs. Westbury aren’t in there, we’ll have a staff member with them at all times.”

“I appreciate it.”

The nurse goes over the rules and then tells me Dr. Ashford will be in to speak with me shortly before leaving. It warms me to no end, knowing Nick will be the one caring for my children. I’m torn on what to do. I have three children who need my undivided attention and there’s no way I can give it to them at the same time.


On the other side of the curtain, I hear giggling and find myself smiling.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Westbury. You’re not the only father we’ve encountered with multiples. One at a time is your best and only bet,” the voice behind the curtain says.

“Right, okay then.” I pull the chair toward the incubator and reach my hand in. The space is warm and honestly feels inviting. I touch each of their cheeks as tears spill over. I think about what I want to say to them, but the words don’t come easily. Do I say, “hey guys?” or is that insulting to my daughter? I know she doesn’t know the difference now, but eventually she will.

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