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“Then that’s it,” he says to his sister without looking at her. Peyton eyes me and I shake my head. This will have to be a conversation for later. One I am not looking forward to. The twins were cautious of Nola when Quinn first introduced her to them. The last thing he needs is for his sisters to put a wall up when it comes to his girlfriend. If I’m not careful with what I tell Peyton, that’s exactly what will happen.



As much as I wanted Noah to stay with me, he returned to Portland and I decided to go home to Beaumont. I hate these feelings he has about his job. The organization is making him feel like he’s done something wrong. I don’t get it. And I hate being in the dark. I know I’m not privy to contracts and negotiations, but this is my husband they’re messing with, and as a result me. I place my hand over my tummy. If Noah isn’t in Portland playing, I’m not staying. I hope they understand this. They can’t honestly expect me to stay on staff if my husband isn’t there.

I miss the beach. The sound of the waves coming ashore. But I love being back in Beaumont at my grandfather’s house, even if he’s not home. When he said he was going on a cruise, I had no idea he meant a multi-month cruise. I’m happy he’s out there living his life, but damn. His life is more exciting than mine.

Being in Beaumont means I have to drive. It’s not so bad when the town is small, and traffic is all but nonexistent. I pull into the farthest parking spot and get Stevie Nicks out of the SUV. Of course, Noah makes me drive a tank. If I had to guess, he’s had the sides reinforced or something.

When we get to the carts, I pull one out and tell Stevie Nicks to give me a hug. It’s another command Noah’s taught her, where she stands on her hind legs and if I’m crouching down, she’ll put her paws on my shoulders, making it easy for me to pick her up. I’m sure the grocery store has a problem with her being in there, but I’m hoping they’ll allow it since she’s in the cart.

“Be good,” I tell her as I give her a snack. She sits there, probably a bit uncomfortably. If there’s a next time, I’m going to bring a blanket for her to sit on. We head in and instantly the employee gushes over her. I’m biased, but she’s definitely a cutie.

“What’s her name?”

This is exactly why I told Noah Stevie Nicks needs a pink collar and I’m glad I held my ground and added a bow. I didn’t want to have to correct everyone each time they called her a boy.

“Stevie Nicks,” I tell the young girl.

Stevie Nicks looks at the girl, almost as if saying pet me now.

She smiles. “That’s the cutest name I’ve ever heard. Can I pet her?”

I nod and watch her lean into the young girl’s touch.

“Am I allowed to have her in here?”

“Yeah, as long as she stays in the cart. The owners don’t really care. Your sister brings her dog in here all the time.”

“You know my sister?”

She nods. “Yeah, everyone does. She’s at the school a lot, cheering for Mack Ashford.”

Hearing this about my sister brings a smile to my face. I know Mack helps with Beau, but it really seems like Elle and Ben have brought Mack into their lives in ways no one expected.

“You go to school with Mack?”

The girl nods. I scan her shirt for her name tag but don’t see one.

“And your sister-in-law, although we aren’t friends.”

“Oh.” I’m not sure what to say to that.

“It’s okay though.” She shrugs. “If you need anything, let me know. I’ll probably follow you around because she’s the cutest thing ever,” she says as she makes kissy faces at Stevie Nicks.

“Thank you. I’m sure she’ll lap up the attention.” I slip her another treat before being well-behaved and start pushing the cart through the vegetable section. I hate buying groceries when it’s only me. Noah won’t be back until the weekend and Elle and Ben are in Los Angeles at the moment. I know I can go to the Westburys’, but I don’t want to show up and expect them to feed me every day. Tomorrow, Josie and I are getting manicures and pedicures. She said I need to feel pretty at all times during the pregnancy because there will be times when I won’t.

I also realize I don’t like grocery shopping unless I have a list. I didn’t make one, hoping something would speak to me as I zigzag these aisles. Yet, nothing jumps out at me. Turning the corner, I push my cart around a man in a suit.

“You people shouldn’t be allowed to bring a dog into the store.”

Ignore him.

I avoid making eye contact or letting him see any sign his words affect me. I get it. People don’t like dogs in stores. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions. Some dogs misbehave while others, like Stevie Nicks, sit in a cart and don’t bother anyone. It’s also not about dogs bothering people, but about cleanliness. Still, his comment is unwarranted. If he has a problem, he can go to management, and they can ask me to leave.

Only the man comes toward me. I turn slightly when he gets closer and freeze. It’s weird, knowing someone you’ve never met, simply by the fact no one in your family likes him. It’s disconcerting though. This man brings out a sense of fear in me, and I don’t like it. I grip the cart as he stalks toward me.

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