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“Like nothing I’ve ever seen. I’d be okay with having twins.” This time I’m the one pushing my leg into hers.

Stevie Nicks whines, getting our attention. Or Peyton’s. She pulls the pup into her lap and starts petting her. Within seconds, her little doggie eyelids flutter closed.

“Do you want to find out the sex of the baby?”

“What a tricky question.”


“Because if I say yes, then you’ll say yes and vice versa.” Peyton nods toward the sleeping dog in her arms, who’s snoring. “She’s so cute.”

“She is. Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Noah. I’m already in love with her.”

“She’s going to be best friends with the little bean in your belly.”


I shrug. “I want to call him or her something. It seems so callous just to refer to it as ‘it’ or ‘the baby’ and makes me think we don’t already love them. I think someone should invent a pee test that tells you the sex of the baby now and not at twenty weeks.”

“Are you saying you want to know?”

I look at her. Her eyes are hopeful. “Yeah, I want to know, and I want to have one of those gender reveal parties.”

“You just want to have a party.”

Her phone rings, waking the pup. “It’s Elle,” she says and then answers it. “Hey. Yeah, okay. I’ll have to go in anyway. Yep. Bye.” Peyton hangs up and looks at me. “Elle’s going to start her shots on Monday.”

“She doesn’t have to wait for whatever cycle?”

Peyton shakes her head. “I guess not. She just asked me to go with her.”

“If she gets pregnant soon, the babies will be very close in age.”

Her lips turn up in a grin. “It’s what we want.”

Stevie Nicks leaves Peyton’s lap and starts to walk around. “I should probably get her outside before she has an accident.” I stand and then help my wife up. “I’ll clean up in here if you want to go make breakfast.”

“Deal.” She rises up and kisses me. “Love you.”

“Love you more.”

After I take Stevie Nicks out to do her business, after which she was rewarded with a treat and lots of affirmations, I clean the bathroom as promised. For some reason, I check each test. I don’t know if it’s for my own curiosity or what. Each positive brings a smile to my face. In nine months, Peyton will give birth to our child, and while it was created in a Petrie dish, it’s still one we created together. Thank God for science.

When Stevie Nicks barks, I rush out of the room and find her sitting at the end of the hallway, tail not wagging. I approach her slowly, peak around the corner and roll my eyes. My father is on all fours, acting like a dog.

“You’re scaring her,” I tell him and then look at my mom. “Really?”

“He’s a child. Humor him,” she says. She walks by, kisses my cheek and before she can ask where Peyton is, I point toward the kitchen.

“What are you doing here?”

My dad finally sits up and then beckons his granddog to him. Thankfully, she goes. “Uh, staying here.”

“Oh. Did I know this?”

Dad shrugs. “Ask your wife.”

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