Page 4 of Tender Killer

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Irritation flares in me. Sudden and out of nowhere. Her uniform piqued my interest at first but now I just want to tear it off and tell her to not set her foot on a single airplane without me. And I don’t fly that much which technically means she’d have to stay on the ground. With me.

Clearing my throat, I rasp, ”It’s just a drink. Not a marriage proposal. Just say yes.” My teeth dig into my lip, and suddenly I worry I pushed too hard. I do that sometimes. Take things too far and deal with the consequences later.

She hesitates for a moment, before a flattered smile starts playing around her mouth. ”Okay then…yes.”

My chest booms, pleasure flooding my veins and I feel as if I’ve just conquered her. ”I’ll keep you to it. No backing out.”

”Oooh…is that a threat?” she teases and the air hums between us, tight as a string.

”As a matter of fact it is,” I rasp in a low voice but she just smiles nonchalantly, turns around and sashays down the aisle. I tug at my collar, realizing my hand is gripping the armrest. I like her. I really like her. With a face and body like that, she’d look good in my penthouse, in the jacuzzi, in my bed, or naked and panting up against one of my big windows…

Or bound and gagged in my closet.

Letting out a curse, I pinch my brow ridge. Where did that come from? Such a vile, forbidden thought. Who the fuck thinks like that? Shame on me. I’ve never been to therapy but maybe I should make an appointment. Maybe my ass needs some sorting out.

It’s a good thing she can’t hear my thoughts. She’d probably be as horrified as I was just now. And it’s a good thing that I in reality am a proper, upstanding man. I’d hate to see a girl like that in the wrong hands. The world’s a dangerous place and I wouldn’t mind being the one to make sure she doesn’t fall into any of the dark pits. A woman like Solange needs someone tender and humane.

And I know just the humanitarian. I turn my face to the window and meet my own determined gaze.



I step into the galley, my ears buzzing from the conversation I just had and I catch Carrie’s eye. ”You sure talked for long with Hollywood,” Carrie teases, and does smooching sounds. Fluttering her lashes, she raises a brow, It’s a silent question that I I know I have to answer or she won’t stop bugging me about it.

“He asked me out,” I confess, leaning against the counter, a shit-eating grin playing on my lips. My heart is still hammering. It acts up when I’m around him, just like every single nerve in my body.

Carrie’s eyes flicker with knowing, and she leans in closer. “I told you he wanted you.”

“We’ll see. It’s just drinks. Nothing serious.”

Her mouth forms a perfect “O” before breaking into a grin. “Oh, there’s no way you’re minimizing this. When is he taking you out?”

“Tonight,” I admit, feeling a small flutter of guilt because I had made plans with Carrie first. “You’ll tag along, right? Please tag along.”

Carrie laughs, a teasing glint in her eyes. “And feel like the third wheel? Pass. I’ll leave you two freaks to it.”

Before I can respond, the plane jolts suddenly, sending a ripple of unease through the cabin. I grab the counter for support, exchanging a quick glance with Carrie. The seatbelt sign dings on, and a murmur of concern rises from the passengers.

“Guess I’d better handle that,” I say, straightening up and putting on my professional mask. “I’ll go check on everyone.”

She nods, a little pale in the face now and I make my way down the aisle, smiling reassuringly and telling the passengers everything’s going to be fine.

When I reach Asher’s seat, I notice his hands gripping the armrests, his knuckles white. His expression is suddenly tense, and he murmurs something under his breath. I stop in my tracks, surprised.

Yes, the plane did shake but I didn’t think he was the kind to react this strongly. I mean, the man had no problems stopping a thief but I guess everyone has a weakness.

“I hate turbulence,” he clips, his voice barely audible over the hum of the plane.

My heart softens at his vulnerability. “It’ll be okay,” I say gently, leaning in closer. “It’s just a bit of rough air. It’ll pass soon.”

He nods, but his eyes are filled with a convincing fear. I place a reassuring hand on his arm, offering what comfort I can. Just then, the plane hits another pocket of turbulence, a bit stronger this time. I lose my balance, the edge of the seat digging into my thigh. The cabin lights flicker, and I hear a collective gasp from the passengers.

Asher’s grip tightens, his breath coming faster. “Can you… can you sit with me?” he asks, a sudden tremble in his usually strong voice. “Just until it’s over?”

I hesitate, glancing back towards the galley where Carrie is still securing the drink cart. “Let me check with my colleague,” I say, giving his arm a gentle squeeze before hurrying back to Carrie.

“Look uh…he’s really scared,” I explain quickly. “Is it okay if I sit with him for a bit?”

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