Page 11 of Tender Killer

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Something threatening flares in his eyes and he clasp my throat, then gives me a punishing kiss. The air between us crackles with tension, and when he pulls away, I’m breathless and red in the face. He smirks, pleased with himself and I swat at his chest.

We spend the morning in the cabin, sharing a simple breakfast of trail mix and bottled water. I worry about Carrie and others, wonder what happened to them but I don’t raise my concerns to Asher. I don’t want him to think I blame him for anything.

“You know, crashing does have its perks,” I say, breaking the silence between us. ”Who knew.”

Asher grins, nodding and he wipes his fingers on a napkin. “We’ll be fine here until they find us. But in the meantime…” He trails off, a needy glint in his eyes and he yanks my chair closer to his.

“In the meantime?” I prompt, my heart racing at the playful look on his face.

He leans in, his voice low and intimate. “In the meantime, we make the most of our time here. Exploring, enjoying each other…”

I swallow, his words sending a thrill through me. “I like the sound of that.”

He chuckles softly, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from my face. “I like the sound of you.”

We spend the rest of the day, working around the cabin, cleaning, dusting and stealing kisses in between. In the afternoon the sun bathes the cabin in golden light and Asher mentions something about us needing more firewood. I follow him outside and he peels his shirt off, revealing a sculpted physique that sends a flutter through my chest.

”Admit you just did that because you want to show off?” I tease breathlessly, biting my lip and I’m getting hot and bothered again.

“Have to keep my girl entertained,” he smirks with a wink, grabbing an axe leaning against the cabin wall.

I watch him as he strides towards a stack of logs nearby. The muscles in his arms flex with each swing of the axe, his movements strong and powerful. A pang of admiration and something deeper stirs within me as I observe him, appreciating the raw strength and skill in him.

After a while, I tear myself away from the sight and decide to explore the area around the cabin. The forest beckons and I’ve always loved the smell of pine trees but then I hear Asher’s voice.

”I don’t want you going anywhere without me,” he calls, a low warning in his voice but I brush him off with a playful wave.

”I won’t go far. You’ll still be able to see me,” I say but I can sense his apprehension and agitation in the air. I wander into the woods, the ground soft beneath my feet, the air cool against my skin. The sounds of nature envelop me—the rustle of leaves, the distant call of a bird. It’s peaceful, serene, until I notice something that makes my heart skip a beat.


Several sets of them, too many to belong to just Asher and me. What the…My breath catches in my throat as I realize we’re not alone. Panic threatens to take hold, but I force myself to stay calm, to listen.

A twig snaps nearby, the sound echoing through the trees. Fear grips me now, icy tendrils creeping up my spine. I should call out to Asher, warn him. But before I can utter a word, another twig snaps, closer this time.

I freeze, my heart pounding in my chest. Every instinct screams at me to run, to find Asher, to get back to safety. But my feet remain rooted to the spot, my senses on high alert as I strain to pinpoint the source of the sounds.

I hold my breath, waiting, listening. The woods feel suddenly hostile, unfamiliarity lurking among the trees. Fear and adrenaline surge through me, my mind racing with possibilities, none of them reassuring.

Then, just as I’m about to call out, a voice breaks the silence—a low, menacing whisper that sends a chill down my spine.

“Don’t move.”

I whip around and come face to face with a figure emerging from the shadows. His eyes gleam with something unreadable, his stance predatory. I stumble backwards, my voice catching in a strangled cry as I realize the danger I’m in.

Before I can react, another figure appears beside them, and then another. They move closer, closing in on me with purposeful steps. Panic surges anew, my mind racing for a way out, for a means of escape. But as I back away, my foot catches on a root, and I stumble to the ground with a gasp.

Surrounded now, I feel a surge of desperation. Asher. I need Asher. Terror grips me as I struggle to my feet, my gaze darting wildly through the trees.


Before I can finish calling his name, a hand clamps over my mouth, stifling my scream. Dread washes over me as I realize the gravity of the situation, the realization sinking in with chilling clarity.

They’re going to hurt us.

I struggle against the hand over my mouth, fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins. Without thinking, I sink my teeth into the flesh, tasting blood as the grip loosens with a pained grunt. I don’t hesitate. With all my strength, I scream.


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