Page 41 of Shake You

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“Nothing, it’s just that nobody could be more surprised than me that I’d even go there, trust me.”

“But he is hot as living fuck.”

“Yes. And it seems that, though I like to think of myself as being above simply getting my rocks off with someone because they’re ridiculously hot, I’m clearly not.”

“So it’s just sex?” She cocked her head quizzically, clearly ready to psychoanalyze my response.

“One hundred thousand percent, unequivocally, and by mutual agreement. I’m sure I’m no more his type than he is mine. Yet here we are, banging like rabbits. Go figure.”

“So this started when you were sent to interview him, or did you know him before that?”

“Also complicated.”

“How can something as simple as how and when you met someone or started screwing them be anything other than straightforward?”

“Trust me, if human beings are involved, anything can be complicated. But basically, it’s been a couple of weeks.”

“Okay, you’ve been ‘seeing’ him in a physical-only capacity for a couple of weeks, so why the venom?” I opened my mouth to answer, but she beat me to it. “Let me guess... it’s complicated.”


“Care to elaborate?”

“I would love to, but I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“Fair enough. But you’re okay? I mean, reading between the lines from the article, I’d guess not.”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I mean, I kind of am, but there’s some shit going on that I can’t really share right now. It will all be okay in the end, I know that, it’s just going to take a little work to get there.” If I kept telling myself that, maybe I’d start to believe it. I certainly didn’t when I said it to Cally. “And in the meantime, there’s sex with Mr. God-complex.”

“Is it good? Tell me it’s good, so I can live vicariously through you.” Cally was single as a Pringle, and not really by choice, but nor was she the type to do booty calls, one-night stands, or fuck buddies, so she was also involuntarily celibate.

“Did you listen to anything I said before? He pretty much stands for everything I hate—a jock with designs on world domination via the business world. We have less than nothing in common, but the sex is outrageously good. I mean if sex with Satan was that good, I’d bone him until my soul was as black as the night sky.”


“Wow is right. I mean, I guess it could go either way with guys like that. My assumption would be that they’re normally so self-absorbed that their partner’s pleasure is the least of their concerns. I have to admit that I misjudged him on that front. He’s the opposite. It’s almost like it’s a matter of principle that I have a good time. Like he’s too stubborn to not do a good job. Maybe I’m overthinking it, and he’s just naturally gifted that way, but whatever it is, what I do know is that he’s one of the best lays I’ve ever had. Not that there had been enough to conduct scientifically significant research, but there are no complaints from me.”

“Sounds amazing. How come I never get sent god-like Adonis types to get me off in epic fashion? Does he have any friends? Brothers...”

“I believe he does have siblings, but I wouldn’t recommend his friends if they were the last male specimens on the planet, and the survival of the race depended on it.”

“Does this have anything to do with the episode in the cafeteria between the two of you?”

“Kinda. Wait, you know about that?”

“Well it was all over Wildfire so I doubt there’s a person on campus who doesn’t know, faculty included. Once it’s on there, the only way it would have gotten more eyeballs would have been if you’d run an ad during Super Bowl.”

“Ugh. Sad, but true.”

“Yeppers. And it’s all the more reason why you might want to reconsider your approach with the article. It alone looks kind of bad. Combined with the college gossip that’s already circulating about the two of you, and it all looks a little Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.”

“I haven’t watched that show.”

“Maybe not, but you get the idea from the title.”

“Yeah, okay. Thanks for having my back. I’m going to reword and rework so that I don’t sound like I’m losing my mind.”

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