Page 40 of Shake You

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Chapter 22


“This is the puff piece the Dean and football coach asked you to write?”

I nodded. The silence that then stretched between Cally and me was deafening.

“Well, don’t keep me hanging; what do you think? Although I suspect that by the lack of gushing praise, I can already guess. You hate it, don’t you?”

“Ummm… it’s not that I hate it.” She nibbled on her lip, looking sheepish, and refusing to make eye contact.

“But you really don’t like it.”

“It’s not that I don’t like it, as such...”

“Well, what the hell is it, then? Come on, stop beating around the bush. You can tell me—I’m a big girl. I even have my big girl panties on to prove it. Lay it on me.”

“It’s just that it reads a little...” She was still looking everywhere but at me. Jeez, it must be bad. “...unprofessional, is all.”

What the fuck? I inhaled sharply in shock, sending my mouthful of coffee down my throat quickly and awkwardly. The resultant choking fit was not pretty.

“Of all the things I could imagine being accused of, that’s not one of them. Like, ever.”

“Maybe that’s the wrong word.” She was contrite, and I was guessing, regretting saying anything at all.

“Really? Because as a journalist, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you the importance of choosing your words carefully.”

“Yeah, I know, and I made the wrong choice. It’s more that it comes across as personal not professional, if that makes sense?” I waited for her to go on without prompting. “I mean, if I didn’t know the situation, I’d say that there’s history there, and it didn’t end well. I’m sorry. It’s well written, it is—”

“But it sounds like I’m the bitter ex?”

“Basically, yeah.”

“Jesus. What specifically is giving you that vibe?”

“I mean, all of it, really but there are a few lines that stand out more than others. This one, for example. ‘Hamilton struts about the campus like a cross between a peacock, and every high school jock you ever loved to hate. Blessed with a level of intellect that belies his pastime of choice, Hamilton possesses the innate over-confidence of men of his ilk—privileged, wealthy, attractive, capable, and used to getting what they want in life. Of course, it’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, one that Mr. Hamilton skirts the wrong side of frequently.’”

“Really? I mean it’s true. He’d agree himself.”

“Maybe, but everyone reading this isn’t to know that, and I can’t imagine the Dean or the coach agreeing that this meets their brief. It definitely doesn’t fit my definition of a puff piece. And here’s another one. ‘As we reach the end of the hike, Hamilton approaches the end of the cliff, standing with his legs akimbo, and his hands on his hips. With his Adonis-like physique, flawless looks, and Master of the Universe stance, he looks like a modern-day superhero planning on saving Metropolis. After many hours in his company, I’d hazard a guess that is exactly how he thinks of himself.’”

“Seriously? What is wrong with that paragraph?”

“Well, nothing I guess, if he doesn’t mind sounding like an egotist with a God-complex.”

“Ha! Well, if the spandex athleisurewear fits...” I laughed mildly.

“Hmm... I just don’t think that the powers that be will see the funny side, that’s all.”

“Maybe you’re right. Honestly it just doesn’t read that badly to me, but perhaps I’m a little too close to see it.”

“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that’s definitely the case, and more than ‘a little.’ Which begs the question, what exactly is going on between you and the Master of the Universe? I get the sense that it’s not just a case of interviewer and subject. Am I right?”

Hell yeah. “You could say that. It’s complicated, but the TLDR version is that we kind of have a thing, I guess.”

“Right. So that tells me almost nothing, except it’s a current ‘thing,’ right? He’s not an ex?”

“What? Hahaha! No. I mean, to be an ex you have to actually be an item in the first place, which we most definitely are not. You read the article, right? He’s a cocky jock—not even close to being my type. You know I go for the tortured artist type—poets, musicians, fine artists—that’s way more my speed than just the torturing type.”

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