Page 78 of Fake You

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“You know, I may have hated you at the time, but that first kiss sure was hot as fuck.” I nuzzled his ear gently. “And I may have been pretending to be someone else, but Grampsie is right—my attraction to you wasn’t something I could hide or fake. I never could.”

“I know, Angel, I felt it too. I still do.”

“Thank you.” My voice was soft.

“What for?” The love in his eyes as he turned to question me threatened to melt my heart right out of my chest. I paused, looking around me at the life we’d created together before gathering myself enough to carry on.

“For being my angel.”

This time he was the one who paused, waiting for my gaze to meet his.

“No, you have that twisted, Angelita. You were my angel before I even knew I needed one.”



Three years later

“It’s a helicopter.” She looked at me quizzically.

“Good to see there’s nothing wrong with your eyesight or powers of deduction. That’s exactly what it is.”

“Okay, smart-ass, so what’s it doing here?”

“Is this a trick question? I don’t feel confident I can answer it in a manner that’s not going to piss you off.”

“Alright, so I assume it’s here for us to take a ride in it?” I nodded sagely. “So where to, and why?” She was trying, possibly failing, not to lose her shit.

“That’s classified information, ma’am.” I put on a cheesy GI Joe voice. “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” I couldn’t help but smile. I knew the whole thing was pissing her off, but that was a big part of the fun.

“I don’t like surprises. Especially not from you—I don’t know if I’ll end up homeless or unemployed.”

“Touché. But you can relax, it’s a good surprise. I promise.” She looked less than convinced. “Trust me?”

“No… Yes… Maybe.”

“Okay, well, I’m glad we got that straight. ‘Maybe,’ I can work with. Let’s go, your chariot awaits.” I motioned toward the chopper, grinning like a lunatic.

She gave me one more hard, stern look. Then, clearly deciding that I wasn’t about to do something psychotic, she reached for my outstretched hand, and allowed me to walk her toward the chopper.

After a quick safety demo— for Kik’s benefit, as she’d never flown in a helicopter before, whereas I was a veteran—we began boarding. Once Kik was settled in the back, I moved to the front, and started to climb in.

“Wait. What are you doing?”

“Huh? Oh, I asked if I could have a go at flying it and they said yes.”

“Why the fuck? You have no idea what you’re doing.”

“Oh, ye of little faith. I’m a great driver, and I’ve played Air Mission enough times to pick some stuff up. How hard can it be in the real thing?”

“Umm… I have no idea how to fly an aircraft, but I’m going to go with very fucking hard. You’re not seriously going to allow this?” She directed her attention to the pilot, Greg, who gave her the thumbs up.

“What the fuck? This is madness.”

This time Greg just smiled. With the look of terror on her face, I almost felt bad. Almost. I climbed into the pilot seat and started flicking switches, ready for takeoff.

“Drew, I’m serious. Please don’t do this.” The fear in her voice was palpable.

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