Page 79 of Fake You

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“Relax, baby. Greg here has been giving me lessons for months. I have my pilot’s licence, and I’ve notched up over sixty hours of flying time. In a real-life helicopter, I might add, not a video game.”

“What do you mean?”

“Which part didn’t you understand?”

“The part where you’re not about to kill us because you’ve had a secret hobby for months.”

“Okay, yeah. Well, that happened.”

“So what else have you been keeping from me? If you could slip this under the radar, is there other stuff I don’t know about you?” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

Jesus. I needed to get us into the air stat before she started thinking I was having an affair, and the whole trip was ruined.

“There’s nothing else. Can you just trust me? Please.”

She sighed loudly, folding her arms. Greg stifled his laughter.


I couldn’t see her facial expression after this, as I spoke, because I was flying.

“Right, here we are.”

“What do you mean, here we are? Where are we, if not just in the air?” I looked out of the window, then pointed to something down below.

“What’s that in the snow? Wait. Is that a… snow angel?”

Kik looked out of the window, and I let Greg take over flying, so that I could take in her reaction.


“Yeah?” I feigned nonchalance.


“Hmm…?” My acting skills weren’t up to this level of pretense. I was about to burst into laughter.

“What are you playing at?”

“You can’t answer a question with a question, and I asked mine first. Will you?”

She looked out of the window again, and was silent for the longest time. My heart pounded harder than it had during the weeks that Dillon had been infiltrating and cloning Cavanagh Corp’s servers. The silence dragged on for so long, I wasn’t sure if I could continue to hold my nerve.

“What does it say?” I prompted.

“Marry me?”

“Yeah. Will you marry me. Please?”

“You had flying lessons, then had someone come up here and make those letters out of snow angels, all to ask me that?”

“Uh. Yeah, but that’s not really the most pertinent part of all this, the question is—”

“Oh, I know. It’s just that I was thinking that it was a shame that you went to so much effort...” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “...when I would have said yes if you’d asked me anywhere.”

“You’re saying yes?”

“Of course I am, you big goofball.”

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