Page 77 of Fake You

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Gentle? That was something nobody had ever accused me of.

“Gentle? Bahahhaha! Really old man? Are we talking about the same guy-slash-girl? She’s about as gentle as a sledgehammer to the head.” Drew grinned at his grandfather, then winked at me.

“Eat a dick, Cavanagh.”

“So hot, baby. You know if you had one, I gladly would.”

I flipped Drew off, grinning from ear-to-ear. Grampsie choked on his beer, and I couldn’t hold in my laughter as he wiped the hopsy drool from his chin, When I was sure he wasn’t about to expire, I passed him a napkin so that he could dry himself and the table, and waited for him to go on.

“And then there was the peeing. Pass me those chips, will you.”

I handed him the bowl.

“Wait. What are you talking about? You’ve never seen me pee.”

“Thank God, because that wouldn’t be weird at all.” Drew had a point.

“Exactly. What kind of man never uses the urinal? I’d come to the conclusion that you had something wrong with your pipes, and couldn’t pee standing up. And then when Drew came on the scene the final piece of the puzzle fell into place.”

“What piece?”

“I figured you both swung the other way. He’d never had a girlfriend before, so it all seemed to fit.”

“What the fuck, Grampsie. None of that fits in the slightest. Not peeing standing up doesn’t make a dude gay, and I never had a girlfriend because I didn’t want to get myself into the shit that Mom and Victor did. No offense, Mom.” A look of irritation flashed across his face.

“None taken, darling. You’re absolutely right, though. My life was a shit show, and if I were you, I’d have wanted no part of that, either. But that’s over, thanks to you, and it turns out you’ve inherited all your dad’s smarts, and a lot of my heart, so there was never any danger of that.”

“Jesus Christ, pass me the vomit bucket.” Bella, Drew’s sister, rolled her eyes, then gave her mother a death stare, before crossing her arms, and leaning back in her chair.

She’d been through a lot, and was still going through some of it, so I tried to be sympathetic, but sometimes she could be a downright bitch, and it was all I could do to refrain from telling her so.

“Right? You’re making me sound like some kind of saint. I’m no Mother-fucking-Theresa over here.” Drew looked relieved that his sister had ended his mother’s gush fest. He wasn’t—and probably never would be—too comfortable with praise, especially in front of the guys.

“Maybe the peeing thing was inconclusive, but the way the two of you were making eyes at each other, seemed like an open and shut case to me.”

“We weren’t making eyes. We hated each other, and were both plotting ways to end the other.”

“Oh, is that what the young people are calling it these days? ‘Hate’? Because from where I stood, and a whole lot of other club members too, it looked an awful lot like lust. You know, you may have been able to fool us in some ways, Kev, but there was no disguising your feelings for Drew here.”

“Except there were actually no feelings, like Drew said, except hatred and contempt.”

“So, is that why Richard found you kissing in the staff rec room?”

“Yes, in a way. I did that to make life difficult for Drew, and it worked.”

“So you didn’t enjoy it at all?” He was enjoying our game of verbal hockey.

“Oh, I did. A lot. Not that I wanted to admit it to myself at the time. I mean, he was being an asshole and making my life hell. I hated his guts. At least I wanted to, so the whole enjoying it thing was a weird, but not altogether unpleasant accident.” I couldn’t stop the smile tugging at my lips.

“Anyway, can we all just watch the case, and stop airing our dirty laundry. Nobody wants to hear that shit.” Drew was only pretending to be pissed off, and doing a half-assed job of it.

“Yes we do.” Trust Xavier to say the opposite of whatever Drew said. He’d claim night was day if he knew it would piss somebody off. He wagged his eyebrows at Drew, who flipped him off.

“No we don’t, but if it goes that way, I can always fill everybody in on graphic details of the conversation I was privy to where you just about lost your mind over Rocky.” Drew wagged his eyebrows right back at Xavier, who gave him a death stare that suggested he’d very much like to junk punch him, but didn’t say anything else.

This was why they remained friends—Drew gave as good as he got, and didn’t put up with Xavier’s shit. Neither did Rocky, and somehow, despite the odds, the two of them worked together, though my mind boggled at exactly how.

I slid onto Drew’s lap and put my arms around his neck, positioning my mouth close to his ear, so that nobody else could hear.

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