Page 68 of Fake You

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I undid the zipper of her jumpsuit, and tugged it so that it fell to her ankles, and she stepped out of it, rendering her naked apart from her sky-high heels. I’d never seen anything sexier, and the fact that despite her words, she trusted me enough to make herself vulnerable in that way, sent a red-hot bolt of desire straight to my dick. I wanted her so badly that I couldn’t think of anything else.

My cock was so hard it could slice through granite, and not coming there and then—before I was even inside her—was an act of sheer will and belligerence. Though I hated to admit it, I was nothing if not my father’s son in that sense—as stubborn as the day was long.

Still fully clothed, I pulled a condom out of my tux-pants pocket, and slipped it on quickly. Kik watched on, her head turned to look over her shoulder, her eyes heavy-lidded with arousal.

Admiring the view of her laid bare on the conference table for me, I reached down and ran my hand up her naked spine, trailing my fingertips gently from the point where her back met her outstanding ass, to the nape of her neck, where her hair was shaved low. I felt triumphant that with every inch my hand moved, her body reacted—undulating with pleasure.

The power I felt knowing that I had such a profound effect on her was as potent as any drug, and made me wonder if it was the same feeling my dad got from controlling people’s lives—mine, my mom’s my sister’s, my grandfather’s, people like Kik, whose lives he’d ruined. I shook my head as though I could physically dislodge the wayward thoughts.

I might have shared my father’s dogged persistence, but deep down inside I knew that the two of us were nothing alike. Yes, I could be focused on my own goals, to the exclusion of everything else, but not without conscience. Yes, I could be hard-nosed, brutal even, but only as a means to a justifiable end. Hurting people wasn’t a sport to me like it was to him. I didn’t see the casualties that resulted from my actions as merely human collateral damage.

The more I learned about Victor’s dealings and practices, the more determined I became to put an end to his reign of terror in the most painful way possible. The complication was in finding a way to do that it that brought him down, but protected the people I loved, and ensured he could never hurt them, or anyone else, again.

Pushing the thought to the back of my mind and pulling my full consciousness back to Kik, I slid my hand up even further, grabbing her perfectly styled bleached-blonde fauxhawk, and yanking her head backward toward me.

I slipped inside her, without warning, smirking as her body bucked with pleasure, at the sensation, then had to catch my breath and still a little, to calm myself before moving on. The irony wasn’t lost on me, and I didn’t know which of the two of us was more fucked, in more ways than one.

When I’d gotten my shit together enough to move or speak again, I pushed deep and hard inside her, reveling in the feeling of having her wrapped tight around me, ready to take what I had to give her. She was a fucking goddess in every sense of the word. I just needed to make her believe that I wasn’t the devil she saw when she looked at me.

That was a problem for another time. In that moment, I wanted to think about nothing but coming, and making Kik come so hard that we both forgot what side of the feud we were on. I pushed deeper and harder wanting everything she had to give, and more.

“Hold tight, Angel, I’m going to fuck you till you’re my girl.”

Chapter 42


Three weeks later

As I walked out of Williams, Corbin, Wilmott Associates after another long day, I reflected on the past three weeks. In many ways they had been some of the most surreal of my life. Although I still didn’t trust Drew as far as I could throw him, I had to admit that whatever he was playing at, he’d made good on his promise of the internship with Tom Williams. I’d started working at WCW a few days after the gala, and hadn’t looked back.

The “internship” turned out to be more like a paralegal job than a gopher scheme. Not only that, but it was well paid—I earned more in my three days a week there than I had at all my previous jobs put together. Better still, it came with full benefits including healthcare, so I could breathe a sigh of relief regarding Dad’s medical care, and pay our bills. I had no idea specifically what leverage Drew had over Tom, but it must have been something big to swing a deal like that.

I tried not to dwell on the fact that with Drew as my landlord, and having hooked me up with the job, I had all my eggs well and truly in his basket, or to worry that he’d intentionally manipulated it that way so that he had me right where he wanted me, when he chose to make his next move, which I had no doubt would be soon.

As it was, I’d had no contact with him since the gala, and again, I didn’t know whether to be more relieved or concerned. At least when he was bugging the fuck out of me, I had some kind of visibility over what he was doing, or planning. Instead, he was a shadowy threat—I wasn’t sure if he was waiting in the wings, yet I felt like he was doing exactly that, watching and waiting to make his move when he knew he could do the most damage.

I’d puzzled long and hard over what his plan could be, and couldn’t for the life of me figure it out. The introduction to his father had been strained by necessity—the guy wanted to end me—yet for reasons known only to himself, Drew had gone as far as lying to him that we were together. He had once told me that he was always three or four moves ahead, and now I believed him.

Then there was the job/internship/whatever with one of the most preeminent lawyers in the country, known, among other things, for his unbeaten track record with class-action suits. It didn’t take a genius to see that Drew was up to something, but it was clearly beyond my level of intellect to figure out exactly what, no matter which way I thought of it.

Not that I had a lot of time to think, though, between working at WCW, school, and a few nights at Rollergirl. Not to mention the fact that Tom had somehow found out about my case—no doubt again thanks to Drew—and had decided to take it on, with me doing some of the legal legwork, outside of my normal working hours. It was a dream come true, but left me with barely enough time to breathe in and out.

One upside of that was that I had no time to think about how much I missed Drew’s physical presence, even if that’s all it was. The irony of the fact that I was more attracted to him than any guy I’d ever been with—and that he could make me come like no other—wasn’t lost on me. And with the way my life tended to pan out, nor was it a surprise—really, it was just my luck. I did my best to bury the thoughts and feelings, and thank my lucky stars that he wasn’t in the picture adding more complications to my already plenty-complicated existence.

When I emerged from the subway, and started walking home, my thoughts were interrupted by an unfamiliar beeping sound. With my mind elsewhere it took me a few long moments before I realized what I was hearing, and a few more before I got my brain, and then my ass in gear. I flagged down the nearest taxi, and threw myself into it before it had even come to a proper stop.

“City General, please. As fast as you can.”

I tried Dad’s number repeatedly, but it just rang out. I hoped that was a good sign, though I didn’t really know what to think. Then I sent “code red” messages to Rocky and my cousin Kayla, letting them know I was en route to the hospital. Next I called the hospital itself to see if I could find out for sure what had happened.

When I was eventually put through to the transplant department, I could barely keep it together to get the words out.

“Hi. My name is Kik, uh, Kristina. Sanchez. My father, Luis Sanchez’s name is on the transplant list, and I think I just got the call… I mean, I did. I got the call. But I can’t get ahold of him, so I wondered if you could fill me in on what’s going on?”

The woman on the other end of the phone shared none of my sense of urgency, or general panic about the situation. I guessed it wasn’t for her to lose her head—she was just doing her job, part of which meant being cool, calm and collected in the face of other people’s utter panic.

“Patient’s name and date of birth?” I recited Dad’s details again, adding in his date of birth, this time. “And your name and date of birth?”

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