Page 67 of Fake You

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“I said leave me alone, or I’ll make merry hell.”

“And I said before that I don’t care. Now come with me. Don’t push me on this. I’m this far from snapping.” I kept my voice to a hiss, but it was a Herculean effort not to epically lose my shit—kind of at her, but mostly at my father.

There had been no love lost between us since I was old enough to understand what a decent parent looked like, and realize that Victor Cavanagh wasn’t it, but that had gotten significantly worse since he’d asked me to silence Kik. It also marked the first time we’d ever come to blows—he’d hit me before, when I was young and defenseless, but he’d had the good sense not to take me on physically since I’d grown from a boy to a man, and trained to the point where I matched him muscle for muscle.

Still, even after that fight—which had left both of us with faded cuts and bruises to our hands and faces—as I moved across the room to follow Kik, he’d stopped me halfway, grabbing my bicep and squeezing with all his might, careful to maintain his fake smile as he spoke in a menacingly low voice.

“What the fuck are you playing at, son?”

I matched both his venom and his fake smile as I replied. “I have no idea what you mean, Father dearest.” Each word dripped with sarcasm and insincerity.

“If you keep playing with fire, you’re going to get burned, and I promise you that this time it won’t just be a few blows. Don’t test me, you little turd.”

“Again, I have no—”

“Cut the bullshit. What the fuck was that charade with your ‘girlfriend’, Tom Williams, and the fucking photographer?”

“Oh that? I learned from the best, Victor, and you taught me to always have all my bases covered. That’s all I’m doing. I was merely establishing a connection between you and Ms. Sanchez. Let’s call it a little insurance policy in case something untoward were to happen to her. I think in the business, they call it means, motive and opportunity.” As the word left my mouth, a movement caught my eye at the edge of my peripheral vision.

I turned to see what it was, and found myself looking straight at Daniel Buscemi. I knew I’d seen him somewhere. He was now part of my father’s legal team. Definitely not a coincidence. Motherfucker.

“Listen, you birdbrained little asshole…”

Back in the here and now, I brought my attention back to Kik. Something in the look in my eyes must have told her that it was best to comply, as after opening and closing her mouth several times, she finally stepped out of the door ahead of me, as I held it open.

However, once in the hall, she began storming away from me again. I took a deep breath, and instead of stomping after her like I wanted to, I waited a few moments to get my head together before I did something we’d both live to regret. When I thought I could trust myself, I strode down the hall after her, catching up with her again just as she was heading out of the entrance. This time I caught her by the wrist, and pulled her sideways away from the door, and hard into my body. She hit against my chest with a loud “Ooof.”

“Drew, you can’t jus—”

“Sue me.” The words were barely out of my mouth before I’d fused my lips to hers, at the same time backing her against the nearby wall. Grabbing her other wrist in my free hand, I pushed both of them against the wall, raised above her head in the universal gesture of surrender, then pressed my body into hers, keeping her in place, bracing myself for her inevitable resistance.

She struggled momentarily, but it was short-lived, and before I knew it, her body was melting into mine like butter on hot toast. The searing fire of her kiss made me want to do the same thing. I pushed even harder, grinding my erection against her as she attacked my mouth, explosive anger radiating through her body.

As she bit hard on my bottom lip, I swore I saw stars. I matched her intensity, and every stroke of the tongue, or bite to the lips pushed me further down the road of uncontrollable desire. I reached to the side, and tried the handle of the internal door nearest to us. It opened, and I pulled Kik inside what turned out to be an empty and darkened boardroom.

The change of scene seemed to snap her out of her arousal-driven lust.

“What the fuck was that? Like all of that. The internship… your father… the whole mess/”

“I know it seems off, but there’s a method to my madness. Remember what I said going into this? I just need you to trust me.”

“Is this some kind of joke? I’m supposed to trust the dude who is single-handedly trying to ruin what’s left of my life, and who just introduced me to the guy who is responsible for destroying it in the first place? Excuse me while I absolutely don’t fucking do that. And why the hell did you introduce me to him as your girl?”

I stared at her hard before answering, formulating my words carefully. “You drive me out of my mind. I want you in a way I’ve never wanted anyone in my life, and yes, I need you to be mine.” That wasn’t even the half of it. The truth was, I had a burning need to possess her in a way I’d never experienced with any other woman.

Her laughter was bitter and taunting as the brittle sound ricocheted off the walls of the large, cavernous room.

“You’re certifiable.” She was probably right. “That’s never going to happen.”

“Challenge accepted.” I pulled her to me again, seeking out her mouth. This time she didn’t resist, locking her lips with mine in another punishing kiss. A sense of urgency built quickly between us—we were both turned on as hell—and the need to scratch the itch of our desire was too hard to ignore. I slipped my hand behind her neck and pulled her toward the large boardroom table. When she reached it, I spoke hoarsely.

“Turn around.”

In an uncharacteristic show of compliance, she did exactly as I asked, rotating so that her back was to me, and her hands were pressed flat against the table.

“Good. Trust me?”

“No.” She shook her head vehemently as she spoke, but didn’t move. Smart girl.

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