Page 20 of Fake You

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As she retreated toward her apartment building, I jumped out of the truck and rounded the hood, stepping onto the sidewalk. I leaned against the cab, legs crossed casually at the ankles, arms folded, and as I watched her, yes, I felt like the stalker she kept accusing me of being.

But on the other hand, with the way she’d blindsided me with the information about her father’s health, and the connection with Cavanagh Corp and chritonium, I also took some kind of sick pleasure watching as she stressed out, making calls, and pacing up, and down worrying at her bottom lip. Not that all that shit was her fault, of course. I wasn’t too far gone to realize that. The blame sat firmly with my father, but he wasn’t there, and she was, so I directed my fury at her. I’d deal with Victor later.

Whoever she was trying to contact either wasn’t available, or was avoiding her call, as she would hold the phone to her ear, then look down at the handset, jabbing furiously before thrusting it back to her ear, but never once did I see her appear to speak to anybody. She sat on the low wall outside her building, her whole body seeming to sag with defeat, but continuing to tap away fiercely on her phone.

I waited for what must’ve been at least half an hour, then got bored, and started to get pins and needles in my legs.

“So where to?”

“What?” She’d been ignoring me solidly for the whole time, but I knew she knew I was there. “Why are you even still here? I don’t need to be driven anywhere, I never did, I have my own ca—. Wait. Where the hell is my car? Christ it’s like ever since you to came into my life everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong. At the risk of sounding like a scratched CD, I need you to just go the fuck away.”

“Don’t worry about your car, it’s on its way. I sent someone to get it.”

“On its way is no good to me, I need it right now.” Her temper bubbled instantly, and I loved it.

“Well, the way I figure, unless you’re planning on sleeping in it, my car’s just as good to you as yours right now. Actually, it’s better, given it’s not an old clunker.” I chuckled lightly. “I’m here and I’m willing to take you anywhere you need to go.” I spread my arms out expansively.

She sprang up from her position on the wall, anger once again sizzling through her body.

“No it’s not just as good as my car, it’s worse. Much worse in fact. Because it has you in it. And you know, I’m glad you’re able to laugh about the situation, I guess that’s the privilege of not being homeless.”

She stepped closer to me, her mouth spewing venom, while her eyes shot lasers. If looks could kill, I’d be way past dead. “You need to stop standing there looking so smug. I really ha—”

I didn’t let her finish the sentence, instead, reaching out quickly, taking her and myself by surprise. Before either of us knew what was happening, I had one hand around the back of her neck, the other at her hip, and was crushing her body to mine. She resisted, momentarily shoving at my chest, but then I felt the fight and fire of her anger slip away, to be replaced by the heat of the attraction that had sizzled between us since we’d first met.

Our lips sought each other’s out, and the moment they met, something passed between us that changed the game. Her arms left my chest and slipped around the back of my neck. Her short nails clawed at my skin while her lips found solace in mine.

Something in the way we kissed was familiar, but different. I’d kissed countless women and girls before, but nothing had felt like this. This was like the difference between green Jell-O and the finest caviar. It wasn’t even in the same league.

Kik lifted one leg at the knee, and leaned forward, pressing herself into my straining dick. I groaned, hardly able to contain my arousal, using the crook of her knee to pull her even closer. Not that it was anywhere near close enough. I wanted so much more. The urge to spin her around, lay her on the hood of the car, and fuck her like there was no tomorrow was so strong that I had to pull my lips away from hers, before I did something to earn me another knee to the junk.

“In the car.” I sounded like I meant business, because I did.

“No. I’m not going anywhere with you.” She shook her head vehemently for emphasis.

“This is not a fucking negotiation. Get in the car, or it’s happening right here on the street.”

“What’s happening?”

“You know exactly what I mean. Get. In. The. Car.” I really hoped she listened this time because my patience was starting to wear thin. After a moment of hesitation, she finally complied. Thank fuck. I wasn’t sure I could be answerable for my actions if she hadn’t.

I tore away from the curb in a blaze of burning rubber, and hot smoke, and ripped through the city like a knife through butter.

“Do you have to drive like an utter douche?”

“Yeah. As a matter fact I do, when the situation calls for it.”

“And why does the situation call for it? Where are you even taking me?”

I cut her a sidelong glance, taking in her quirky beauty, and the longer I looked at her, the harder I found it to believe that I’d ever mistaken her for a guy. Even with the short hair and not especially curvy figure, she had pointed pixie features and long, but fleeting eyelashes. They were like gangly dangling daddy longlegs.

“I’m going to plead the fifth on that one. On both counts.”

“Well, you better not be taking me back to your fucking lair, because I’ll be out of there faster than you can say, ‘skeevy creeper.’”

She really was a piece of work. My feelings for her flitted between wanting to bury my dick deep inside her, and have her beg me to make her come, and wanting to open the door of the truck as we sped through the city streets, and encourage her to jump out into oncoming traffic.

I pulled up at the curb outside the hotel, and jumped out, throwing the keys to one of the valets as I did, then jogged around the front of the car, and opened the door for Kik. She took my hand and jumped out gracefully, but shot me a skeptical look. “The Place? Really? Could you be more of a cliché?”

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