Page 21 of Fake You

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“Don’t be a downer, baby, there’s no better place than The Place.” I couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that spread across my face as I poked fun at her.

“Oh, did we skip a whole bunch of levels of familiarity and go straight to calling me baby and busting out the dad jokes? Next minute we’ll be hanging out on the couch in tracksuit pants, vegging out on Doritos and watching reruns of Friends together.”

“Honestly? I’d rather be dead,” I deadpanned.

“Ahhnd, that’s probably the only thing we agree on.”

I pulled her by the hand into the foyer. All the while she was trying to release her hand from my grasp without making a fuss or drawing undue attention to us. In return, I squeezed tighter so that she couldn’t escape.

“Owww! You’re hurting me!”

“Then quit squirming around like a preschooler, because I’m not letting go.” I gave her hand another little squeeze for extra emphasis, then strolled to the bank of elevators.

“You didn’t check in.”

“Don’t need to.” When she looked at me quizzically, I explained further. “I basically have a standing reservation here, so I just kind of come and go as I please.” She rolled her eyes, and looked at me as though, if given even half a chance, she’d happily see me dead.

“Of course you do. I’m effectively homeless, and you have the run of a hotel. Of course. You. Fucking. Do.”

I shrugged. “It’s just the way the chips have fallen, I guess. The genetic luck of the draw. Some of us win… others… not so much.” I almost felt bad for her. Almost.

When the elevator arrived, I pulled her into it with me. As soon as the door swished shut, I turned to her, appraising her with hungry eyes. I was like a starving man eyeing up a prime steak, and thinking about how he was going to devour it, one juicy bite at a time. It was a great analogy.

She might piss me off big time, but I couldn’t deny that something about her got my dick standing at attention twenty-four seven. I wasn’t sure how that worked, but there was no rationalizing with mini Drew. He wanted what he wanted, and from the very first moment, he’d wanted Ms. Kristina Sanchez more than was probably healthy.

As the elevator made its ascent, my mind was crammed full of the things I wanted to do to, with, and for her. I could safely say that she would be the first acrobatic performer I’d ever fucked, and knowing how strong and flexible she was, the possibilities were endless. In fact, if we fucked three times a day until we were ninety, we probably wouldn’t cover everything that flicked through my mind like the images on a XXX-rated old-school flick book. I willed the elevator to hurry up and reach the fortieth floor. I needed to be inside her, like yesterday, and even that wasn’t soon enough.

Chapter 14


As the elevator dinged open, and Drew stepped out onto the landing ahead of me, I hesitated again before following him. He turned to look at me.

“Come on, I won’t bite, at least not until we’re inside, anyway.”

What the hell was I doing, or about to do? My life was in ruins in so many ways—Dad’s health, how the hell I was going to be able to continue to cover the mounting healthcare costs, and now we were homeless. Not an ideal time to choose to do whatever the fuck I was about to do with the guy whose family was the root cause of literally every problem in my life, and who was apparently hellbent on adding more as the seconds ticked by.

Somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I knew I was making a mistake. Like an epically and phenomenally bad mistake, and one I would probably live to regret for years to come, but in the forefront of my mind was Mr. Built. Like. A. Tank, and the fact that there was so much going on in my life that was effectively out of my control that I didn’t want to deal with any of it. Trying to fix what was so irrevocably broken felt as futile as trying to hold a snowflake.

I just wanted to brush it all under the rug and act like other girls my age, with nothing more to worry about than whether the guy I’d “met” on a dating app was going to call me or not, and if my nail polish matched my new purse. Instead, I felt like I had the weight of the world breaking my back, and I would never be able to set it down and lead a normal life.

I wasn’t about to be able to make enough money to cover all my needs, no matter how many jobs I worked. It didn’t matter if I worried about that now, or put if off until next Wednesday, all I was doing was delaying the inevitable. I was screwed, and things didn’t look like changing any time soon. Or at least not until I heard back from any of the people I’d called when I found out I’d been evicted—Rocky, my cousin Kayla, or my landlord.

Rocky had been evasive and difficult to pin down lately, citing her college workload, as a reason for her distracted state, but having seen the way they were together at Rollergirl, I was beginning to think that it had less to do with her studies, and more to do with the frat boy.

I wasn’t entirely sure what was going on between the two of them, as she was playing her cards close her chest, but I knew there was something. And whatever it was, it had clearly been occupying a lot of mental and emotional real estate for her. I got it, we all had lives, and I didn’t expect anyone to put theirs on hold for me. She’d call me back when she could, and would help me in any way that was humanly possible. She had my back when it counted, no matter what, and I had hers.

Kayla was the same. Her life wasn’t exactly any more of a pretty picture than mine—she wasn’t much older than I was, but already had two kids and nothing but a deadbeat ex to show for it. Between being a single parent, working, and trying to put herself through night school like me, she had little time, and even less money for anything else. Even so, she was the kind of person who’d give you her last dime, and I knew there was always the option to crash on her couch if I needed to, if I could just get ahold of her.

As for my landlord, I had no idea what the fuck was going on. I’d been in worse arrears before and never ended up on the street, let alone locked out without even time to grab a few belongings—all I had were the clothes on my back. I’d called several times, including the emergency out-of-hours number, but had gotten nothing, not even a voicemail—the call would just ring out.

I stepped out into the hall and followed behind Drew, a sense of dread sweeping over me. Why did I feel like I was walking to my doom?

We stopped at a room a few doors down, and he pressed his finger into the fingerprint sensor pad. The door clicked open, and he ushered me inside. I looked discreetly around as we walked farther into the suite. Everything about it screamed understated expense, from the minimalist Scandi-style furniture, to the sunken-floor-level lighting. This guy was next-level rich. Not that I was surprised, given who his father was.

No sooner had the door slid closed behind us, than Drew had turned to me, walking me quickly until my back was against the nearest wall. He moved so fast that I was in danger of falling ass over apex if I failed to keep up. Who knew that a seemingly musclebound guy like him could move with such speed and ease? He was actually oddly graceful.

I wasn’t sure if he meant for me to collide with the wall so hard, but from what I knew of him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. He definitely wasn’t the gentle giant type. Everything he did was done with force and intent.

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