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“So you noticed me,” I say to her.

“Yes, when you ran from that man, I noticed. And I looked around, noticed some more.” She purses her lips. “Have you been wanted in this way before?”

“No,” I admit to her. “And I was just thinking about calling it off.”

She looks surprised. “Call off? Why do that?”

“My brother doesn’t want me involved with them.”

She laughs lightly at that. “Family is important, yes? Very true, I know this. But being wanted by men such as them… this is a rare thing, yes? A special gift.”

I sigh. “It’s complicated,” I say.

She waves that comment away with a look on her face like she just smelled something bad. “Complicated, complicated, what is this, complicated? Everything complicated. Life complicated. That is no excuse.”

I frown at her. I don’t know why I’m letting this Russian supermodel girl berate me like this, but she’s so interesting. I can’t help myself. And besides, I haven’t actually talked to anyone about my situation yet, so it does feel good to have it out in the open for once.

“What do I do then?” I ask her. “I don’t want to hurt my brother. But I do like…” I trail off.

“Of course you like. These men, they are gorgeous men, real men. They take care of you, yes? Sexually?”

I gape at her. “What?” I sputter.

“Of course they do,” she says, ignoring my reaction. “Men like that, they are insatiable, they take, but they give as well. So what do you do?” She shakes her head. “I do not know.”

I sigh. “That’s not helpful.”

“I never said I was helpful. If these men wanted me, I would let them want me, but that is just me.”

I nod thoughtfully. “Is it wrong, to do that to my brother?”

She shrugs. “Right, wrong. Who knows? Brother shouldn’t be so controlling, yes? He should understand more.”

“Would your brother understand this?”

She laughs. “Oh no, my brother, he oligarch back home in Russia, you know what this is? Big strong man, very rich, very tough. If many men want me, and I give those men what they want, he kill them all. And possibly me as well.”

I stare at her, eyes wide. “Your brother would murder you for sleeping with multiple men at once?”

“Maybe,” she waves her hand. “Your brother not oligarch, you will be okay.”

I want to say something else, but a man’s voice barks over toward us in Russian. Nadya turns to him and says something back, smooth and calm. She glances back to me. “Man calls me now, boring brute. You take your men, okay?”

“Sure,” I say.

She walks off, joining the group of tracksuit-wearing men, and they all start talking in Russian.

I stand there, not sure what to think. That was totally bizarre. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone see through me so quickly and so thoroughly. She observed me for like a minute, and somehow she figured out my deepest, darkest secret.

I wish I could talk to Nadya some more, but I suspect I’ll never see her again. She’s like a magic Russian fairy godmother, except her advice is to fuck a bunch of guys, which is nice I guess.

I finish my drink and go get another one. I wander over toward the pig, and they’re finally cutting slices off. Of course, Carter is there, eagerly standing at the front of the line with his plate held in front of him like a little kid.

“Hey,” I say, cutting up next to him. “How’s it looking?”

“It looks divine.” He’s staring at the pork with this intense gaze. “I think it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He looks away from it and grins at me. “Except you, of course.”

“Of course,” I say, rolling my eyes, but I can’t help but smile.

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