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“Is that not how the witch towns are?”

My body stiffens as I think back to the town I grew up in. “No, girls were in lessons, learning their witchcraft, and boys were trained to keep the castle and the farm lands running. Families didn’t spend time together, and there wasn’t any time wasted on things like playing and dancing.”

“Witches are rather serious, then?”

I try to choose my words with care. “They’re just not like this.”

We continue on in silence, giving me time to reflect on everything that’s changed in my life. My mind wanders back to my life with the witches, where my magic was an awkward dance rather than the graceful waltz it has become here. At least, the few times I’ve used it. No one hates me because of how much I suck at magic. In fact, they seem more curious about my magic than anything.

The adults all look at me with a hint of caution, which makes sense since we all just stopped killing one another. Witches have been their enemy for generations. Having one now in their midst can’t be easy. If only they knew how harmless and powerless I am. They’d accept me with open arms. Yet, still, even with our history, they’re kinder to me, so far, than my own people are.

There’s potential here. To make a happy life. That’s better than I was ever going to have in the Witch Kingdom.

We come to a wooden bridge over the river. The men start to walk across it, but I can’t help it – I climb on top of the railing. Like a tightrope walker, I start across. I've always liked to be perched up high, looking down over everything, taking in the big picture. It reminds me of when I was a kid and the world seemed shiner, and full of possibility.

“Uh, Princess Tara?” Prince Rinan says.

I keep my gaze focused on my feet. “Yes?”

He clears his throat. “Maybe you should get down.”

“She should definitely get down,” Prince Drogo grumbles.

“It’s fine,” I say, following the arch of the railing as it continues up higher and I reach the middle of the bridge.

“Fucking hell,” Prince Drogo mutters.

“Getting down would be wise,” Prince Arlys says, sounding uncomfortable.

Seriously, what’s their problem? The fall wouldn’t be that far into the water, if that’s what they’re worried about. I’d be fine. They should relax.

I’m halfway up when I step a little too far to the side and I waver, suddenly off-balance. A collective gasp escapes from the princes, and they rush over. They’re close enough to touch me, but they don’t.

I roll my eyes at them. They’re so oddly protective of me. How can they hate me but want me to stay safe all at the same time?

“Whoa! Relax. I’m all right. I climb stuff all the time. I’m just having some fun,” I tell them as I continue along the bridge’s railing, enjoying the wind blowing in my hair.

The river below flows like a ribbon. I feel like a free bird up here, unrestrained with the world sprawling beneath me. I’ve never felt this light.

“Princess Tara…” Prince Arlys begins.

I pause to look at them. To my surprise, each of them is looking up at me with a mixture of horror and dread on their faces. Their hands are stretched out as if they’d catch me if I fell. They may have animal instincts, but I’d fall like a boulder. I’d be in the water before they could even react. I imagine their looks of horror if I fell and throw my head back and laugh.

“Seriously, relax, I’m fine,” I tell them.

“She’s lost her mind is what she’d done,” Prince Drogo says, but he sounds less angry than usual.

When I look at him, there’s actual concern on his face. Huh. I guess I’ve found his weakness. If I want him to care about me, I just have to put myself in a “dangerous” situation.

How fragile do these men think I am?

“What do we need to talk about?” I ask them, deciding to tiptoe along the railing.

Prince Arlys follows me, arms still outstretched. “Uh. Well.” He clears his throat. “My father…he’s not doing well. You saw him. And your arrival, it’s more significant than you know.” He’s trying to keep his focus, but me playing around is distracting him.

I imagine they do more dangerous shit than this without a thought.

“Sounds mysterious. I’m all ears.” I do a twirl, and curse words slip from their lips, but I ignore them and just continue walking.

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