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“What have you guys been doing?”

Instantly, that weight is back on my shoulders. “Getting things set up to support the growing number of sick people every day.”

“Oh,” she says softly.

“Yes,” Drogo replies tersely. “If only there was a way to cure them.”

After a second, she says, “Yes, if only.”

The tension is back between us. I can sense that Drogo’s just barely hanging onto his control, so I leave Princess Tara’s side and go up to my friend, placing an arm around his shoulders.

Leaning in, I whisper, “It’ll be okay. We got this. The three of us, together.”

He gives a sharp nod, but his eyes are still blazing.

I drop my arm from his shoulders and we walk side by side. The tension in the air sweeps over me as an image of the dead shifters fills my mind.

We can’t let any more of our people die.

Princess Tara has to be the answer.



I’m a pile of nerves as we walk, me behind all three of them as they stalk through the streets. We’re such a stark contrast to one another that it’d be funny in any other situation. Yet, their stoic expressions don’t entirely dampen my spirits in this strange, wonderful place.

Today, I saw new things. Met new people. And I used my powers, and they actually worked. Freaking elemental magic too! It’s a good day, no matter what happens from here.

Prince Rinan glances back at me again, and I feel like he regrets leaving my side. His face is cleanly shaven, and the dark lashes around his blue eyes would make any girl’s heart melt. He drops back next to me, seemingly deciding that that’s where he should be. It’s obvious he has something to say, but he’s quiet for a long moment.

“So, back there…” he begins, and a gentle breeze stirs his perfectly trimmed blond hair, but he doesn’t continue.

“Back there,” I repeat, prodding him to continue. Is it about me goofing around with the kids? My dancing? What is it?

He gives me a funny look. Then asks me, like it’s obvious, “Did you use magic?”

Ah, that’s embarrassing. Of course, that’s what he’s talking about. “Just a little magic connecting with the wind. I thought the children would like it.”

It’s weird, just a short time ago I’d been trying to connect with the water in my homeland, and it’d been impossible. Now, suddenly, I’m connecting with the wind with ease. Is it something about these shifter lands? Or the fact that I can breathe easily for the first time in my life?

He shakes his head after a minute. “It’s strange seeing magic doing something that doesn’t harm anyone.”

I smile, glad that’s where his mind is at. Hadn’t Lady Scarlet said something like that? “Most magic isn’t harmful. Witches use magic in their everyday lives to cook, to clean, to heal, to help. Only Battle Witches use harmful magic. Well, that’s not entirely true – most witches learn basic defense magic to protect themselves, but it’s never used against each other unless we’re in danger.”

He cocks his head, his brows scrunching. “I never thought about magic like that.”

Ahead of us, Prince Drogo turns and gives us a scathing look. If I thought he was mad when I was around Prince Rinan before, it’s nothing compared to what it’s been like since the bear attack. I have the feeling I’m getting in the middle of their close friendship, and I don’t want to.

If I had a friend who loved me as much as they loved each other, I’d treat it as something precious, too.

We pass a bakery and I inhale sharply. I doubt their bread has been magicked to give you more energy or to make you move faster, but with how good it smells, I don’t really care.

“I love this town.”

Prince Arlys looks back, and I see him regarding me with curiosity, but it’s Prince Rinan who speaks. “Really? Why?”

I shrug, seeing a family selling fruit at a market stand. “It seems so full of love and life.”

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