Page 95 of Daddy's Soul

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“Sir?” she asked, feeling herself growing red.

She still couldn’t believe she’d fallen asleep on his sofa earlier and that she’d napped for two hours. To be honest, today had been a disaster workwise. She was horrified at how little she’d gotten done.

Then she really got a look at his face and saw the strain in it.

“Is everything all right?”


“What is it? What’s wrong? What can I do?” She reached for him without thinking about it.

“My sister has been in an accident.”

She gasped, her hand going to her mouth. “Juliet? Is she all right?”

“Apparently, she is. But I need to go see for myself.”

“Of course. What happened?”

“She fell off her bike.” He frowned. “And knocked herself out.”

“Do you need me to get you a flight? A ride to the airport?”

“I’ve called Steven and he’ll be here soon. Alejandro is lending me his plane, but I don’t like leaving you.”

He was worried about her?

There was that caring side again.

“You should come with me.”

She shook her head. “Oh no. I don’t fly.”


“I don’t fly. No. Nope. Too dangerous.”

“Baby,” he said in a soft drawl. That tone was almost enough to make her do whatever he wanted.

But she was not getting on a plane.

Not for anyone.

“Do you really think I’d ever let you do something that I thought would harm you?”


He had a way with words.

When he wasn’t being grouchy and bossy, that was.

“I know, but I’m still not getting on a plane.”

“How did you get here from Missouri? You don’t own a car, do you?”

“Oh, no.” She had once but she’d had to sell it to pay off some debts. “I took the bus.”

His eyes opened wide, then narrowed. “Your family allowed this?”

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