Page 7 of Daddy's Soul

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Eric had agreed to let her stay, but he still didn’t seem to like it. Even though she was paying three hundred a week to sleep in a damp, dark basement on a sofa bed that had seen better days, it was cheaper than she’d find anywhere else.

At least in a neighborhood she felt moderately safe in.

She really didn’t want to go in the house right now.

Big girl panties, Faith.

“Corn and camellias. Corn and camellias,” she whispered to herself.

They were her happy words. And she could use some happy vibes right now.

She knew Eric liked her to use the basement entrance, so he didn’t have to be affected by her presence in his house.

But she didn’t want to walk away and leave Cammie facing him on her own. Not that she ever said anything bad about Eric.

Faith opened the front door and walked in. “Evening, guys.”

Immediate silence descended on the house as she walked into the living room to find Eric in his favorite recliner, beer in hand, his face red.

She’d love to say that he’d lost his youthful good looks as he’d grown older and meaner. But the truth was, he was aging well. He worked out a lot, so he was thick with muscle.

He was also mean as a rattlesnake. Selfish and lazy. He never did anything around the house. Cammie worked full, long days and then came home and did everything. Well, she used to. Now Faith did the cleaning as part of her rental agreement.

“Hey, Faith.” Cammie smiled as she stood and walked over to her.

Cammie had a good job in marketing. She was still dressed in her work attire, a dark blue blazer with matching pants and a cream-colored silk shirt underneath. Her hair was slicked back, her makeup perfect.

Stylish and elegant.

Sometimes, it shocked Faith that they were still friends when they were so different.

Faith was lucky if she left the house wearing the same shoes on her feet.

“How was work?” Cammie asked.

“It was good.”

Eric snorted. “Cleaning up shitty toilets is good?”

Faith ground her teeth together. “Pays the bills.”

“Yeah, well, the electric bill is due, so you can pay it,” Eric said.

“Eric, you know that utilities are included in the money Faith pays us each week,” Cammie said gently.

Eric just grunted.

This was . . . uncomfortable.

It wasn’t like she hadn’t lived here long enough for him to know that. He was just stirring up shit.

“I have a lead on a new job,” she said hastily. “If I get it, I’ll save up for a place of my own.”

That would seriously eat into what she could send home, but it was obvious she was wearing out her welcome.

“That’s wonderful! What sort of job? As a florist?” Cammie asked.

“What? No!” She didn’t mean to snap, but she never wanted that kind of job again.

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