Page 6 of Daddy's Soul

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Yeah, wasn’t it fantastic that things her life had become so terrible she had to take a job no one else wanted. With someone who sounded like a possible tyrant.

“It’s a trial to see if you are a good fit. But the job pays twenty-eight an hour. If you last three months, it goes up to thirty. Health benefits kick in at six months. And after a year, you get thirty-five an hour.”

Holy. Crap.

That sort of money would be a dream. She could send three times as much home to her family than she was able to now.

“Listen, so the guy is kind of cold and a perfectionist. That doesn’t mean you can’t do the job and bring in the money, honey.”

Asta was nothing if not supportive. And energetic. It was just wrong for someone to have that much energy.

Faith certainly didn’t. She felt worn down and slapped around by life. As though it just kept kicking her time and again.

Maybe this is just what you need to move forward. To get out of this pit of despair and self-loathing.

“Can I think about it?”

Asta sighed. “Sure. You’ve got until Friday morning. Then he’ll likely go to another agency. So don’t wait too long.”

“I won’t. Thanks, Asta.”

“No problem.”

Faith ended the call. Then she glanced down at the toilet brush lying in the toilet. She groaned.

Anything had to be better than this, surely?


Three hours later, Faith stepped off the bus, and started the ten-minute walk home.

Well, not to her home.

Cammie and Eric’s place. She moved quickly. She hated having to walk around on her own so late at night. Faith wasn’t an idiot. She watched the news. That’s why she carried Mace in her pocket.

Mace won’t save you from a bullet.

This was a safe neighborhood. The crime rate was low.

Doesn’t mean that a criminal won’t be waiting around the next corner, ready to strike!

As something streaked past her, she let out a scream.

Holy crap!

Faith stood there for a few minutes, trying to calm her breathing. It was a cat.

Just a cat.

She rubbed her lucky charm. It was a silver hair clip with a pale blue, sparkly butterfly perched on it. Her grandma had given it to her when she was young, and Faith had worn it every day since. Gathering her courage, she rushed to Eric and Cammie’s place.

Camden and Faith had been best friends since kindergarten. Cammie had met Eric in high school. He’d been a football player, while Cammie had been a cheerleader.

A match made in heaven.

As Faith approached the house, she heard yelling. She cringed as she heard her name.


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