Page 245 of Daddy's Soul

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Oh, like you haven’t fantasized about him putting you over your desk, raising the bottom of your dress, and fucking you.

This isn’t much different.

“And I will expect you to tell me the truth if your stomach is still feeling yuck.” He gave her a stern look.

“Yes, Daddy. I, um . . . I have something else to talk to you about.”

“I’m all ears.”

“You remember Charlie?” she asked.

He frowned slightly. “The Little boy from A Little Bit of Fun?”

“Yes.” She should have known that Reuben would remember. He had a mind like a steel trap. “I gave him my number and he texted me yesterday afternoon while I was with Cat.”

“I don’t like the idea of you giving your phone number to men I don’t know.”

Faith chewed her lip. “It’s just . . . he was so sad and lonely, Daddy, and he needs a friend. A Little friend. I’m allowed a Little friend, right?”

He was scowling. “I want to say no, but I know that’s the wrong answer.”

“Good boy, Daddy. You can learn.” She patted his chest.

“I am the Daddy here.”

“Of course you are.” But there was nothing like a bit of positive reinforcement to let a Daddy know when he was making a good decision, right?

“I’m going to need to look into him.”

“Cat already did.”

“Cat did? Sorry, but I can’t really trust any research that Cat did,” he told her.

“Well, she got Nighthawk to do it for her.”


“Yeah. Good news! Charlie is all clean.”

Okay. He still didn’t seem very happy about that.

“Daddy? Are you going to say anything?” she asked.

“First of all. From now on, if you give your number out to strangers, I want to know.”

That seemed like overkill. Everyone asked for your number nowadays.

“Second, if you want someone looked into, I will arrange it.”

“You don’t trust Nighthawk?”

“Alejandro trusts him, and he knows what he’s doing,” he said reluctantly. “But I prefer to be in control. I’ll talk to him about Charlie. However, I don’t want you meeting him alone. Not the first time, at least.”

“Daddy, not everyone is out to hurt me.”

“After what happened with Eric, I’m not taking chances.” There was a firm look on his face.

Well, she couldn’t argue that. She’d never thought Eric would hit Cammie. Or come after her like he had.

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