Page 98 of Ninth Circle

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“First of all, you’re not to blame for anything she does. As far as her smacking her kid, I’ll take care of it.” I pulled back to look up at him.

“How do you plan to do that?”

“First, I need more information. Not to worry, I know how to get what I need.”

“Sabrina was going to go to her house more this week just to be on the safe side and get close to the nanny so we could get a feel for what’s going on. I can’t sleep knowing that a child might be in danger.”

“I know, it’s going to be okay, I don’t want you to worry about it.”

“I almost thought you would blame me somehow or not believe me.”

“Why would you think that?”

“I don’t know, maybe because you’ve known her for much longer.”

“That’s silly. When I married you, I agreed to forsake all others, remember? Where in there does it say I should take an old girlfriend’s side against yours, especially when a child’s safety is involved?”

“Sometimes, I absolutely adore you.” I got up on my toes to plant a kiss on the tip of his nose.

“Only sometimes? I must not be doing something right.”

“Stop fishing for compliments, and come tell me what my brothers had to say.”

He followed me upstairs, where I got out of my work clothes and changed into something more comfortable. I was sitting on the chaise in our sitting room for five minutes before I realized that he was rubbing my feet while telling me about the boys’ visit.

He did it so naturally without me having to ask that it threw me. I’m not sure why, after everything else he had done this should stop me in my tracks. It just strikes me as odd that someone with his wealth and upbringing would know how to do these things.

“I think I see why she’s still so obsessed with you. Did you used to do things like this for her?”

“On a lesser scale, but yes, I treated her well.” I pulled my feet away, pissed for some unknown reason.

“Don’t pout love. Would you have rather I was a bad boyfriend?”


“Would it help if I told you that she had to ask me to do most of the things that come naturally for me to do for and with you?”


“Shopping for one, I hate it. I never went shopping with her, not even once.”

“What else?”

“My attraction to you is way more intense. I could go for hours and sometimes days without thinking about her. I must’ve thought about you every half an hour or so throughout the day. I missed you.”

Now he was pouting, the brat. He tapped his thighs, and I returned my feet grudgingly. When the hell did I become this needy bitch? “Also, even when we first started dating, I never once thought of what our future together would look like. With you, it’s all I think about. I look forward to each day, each minute I get to be with you.”

He's a smooth one, alright. “I don’t care how sweet your tongue is; I’m not having any of your dingy kids anytime soon.” He looked at my tummy and smirked, and I wanted to smack him. Then he had the unmitigated gall to lean in close and talk to my stomach.

“Don’t listen to Mommy; she loves you.”

“Who the hell are you talking to?”

“Shh, the baby might think you’re being serious. You don’t want him or her feeling like they’re not wanted, do you?” He’s trying to make me crazy.

“Whatever, so can we go to L.A. this weekend instead of waiting?”

“Yes, but let me take care of some things before we get there. If, like you suspect, Natalie is abusing her kid, I’ll have to let her husband know, but I have to have more information before I detonate her life.”

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