Page 99 of Ninth Circle

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“And what if you find out that she is?”

“I’ll make sure she doesn’t get another opportunity. I don’t think Sabrina would lie if she said she saw what she saw, and then there’s no doubt in my mind. I just need to know how far it's gone and what else she’s done.”

“You don’t seem surprised.”

“One of the reasons Natalie was never going to be my wife is because of her mean streak. She kept it very well hidden in the beginning, but when more than one of your friends complains that your girlfriend shows a different face when you’re not around, you start paying attention.”

“The first time I caught her acting like a diva, she played it off, but that was the moment I stopped being as into her as I was in the beginning.”

“What if I was the same? What if I show you one face and is different, mean with everyone else when you’re not around?”

“Then, I would be very disappointed, but I would work with you to change that behavior, but I would never fall out of love with you. I told you what my boundaries are, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember.” I don’t know why, but I was immensely pleased that he didn’t question me about whether or not I was sure about her.

The fact that he took my word without question seemed to be something I needed and didn’t even realize. It made me feel more and more like we were a team. That, and the fact that he didn’t hide the fact that my brothers had come to see him and what they had talked about.

Something in me was very pleased with that and I felt a softening around my heart that he’s been chipping away at bit by bit since our wedding night. “I’ll call Mom and let her know that we’ll be coming out sooner. Thanks for that; by the way, even though it’s not for ideal reasons, I know she and Dad have been dying to see you again.”

He's so easily pleased. I don’t think he realizes why I want to go there now instead of later, though. Like him, my boundary is any kind of abuse against children.

This was no longer about making another woman who was on my husband’s dick jealous; this was about exposing a monster who would smack a baby across the face so hard it couldn’t make a sound. That’s why I didn’t tell him what I had asked his sister to do and what I planned to do with the information.

He may have past affiliations standing in his way, but I don’t. I’m not planning on giving her any chances, first or second.


Ihad turned my phone off during dinner, and by the time I remembered to turn it back on, there were a ton of messages waiting for me from Jackie. Now, I’m not sure, but I’m almost certain that the gorgeous woman who had put Denny on his ass this morning was my girl Jacks.

I asked her after the fact, but she sidestepped my question in a way that made me think it was best if I dropped it. I opened the messages and blinked. The first set of images made no sense until I got to the end of it. There were images of Lacey going to a dumpster and looking around before getting rid of a bag.

The next few were of a stick poking around at the bag, which, when opened, showed used sanitary napkins. It took me way too long to figure out why the hell I was receiving that filth, but then it clicked, and all I could do was shake my head.

The next few images were just as gross but of a different nature. I’ll have to remember to tell Jackie to blur certain images. All I can say is that Lacey was into bigger dicks this week. Far be it from me to slut shame anyone, but this shit is just wild.

At last count, there were about five different guys, all of whom were taking turns in one capacity or the other in pleasuring Lacey. From the looks of it, there were drugs and alcohol involved, and all participants looked like they were having a good time.

Almost as if she knew I had turned the phone on, it rang in my hand. Garrett had gone up to his office to take care of some last-minute business, so I had nothing better to do. I answered on the third ring and was in no way prepared for what came next.

I listened to what she had to say and surprised myself with my response. “Get her out of there and break his fucking legs. I’ll meet you at the hospital.”


When I reached Pete’s place, Pete being the guy Mitzie was messing with, the party was just getting started. My friends showed up not long after I did, with more than enough beer and more pills to add to the tray that had already been set up on the dining table.

This wasn’t the first party like this that I’d attended, but there were some new players here, most likely Pete’s friends. I could already tell there was something off about Mitzie; she was acting kind of standoffish.

I put it down to her being high and took my first hit of coke for the evening. I grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and went to join the fun. There were two other girls there who were already coupled off with a guy or two, but it took more than this to get me started, so I paced myself.

I wanted the night to be epic since my life had been a dud lately, and I was choosing which of the guys in the room was going to get me started. There was a tray of drugs and a tray of condoms, as well as some toys spread out on the table, which meant I could enjoy myself without worrying about catching something or getting pregnant for real.

I took a seat next to Mitzie, who had sort of a glassy-eyed look and didn’t seem to be having a good time at all. “What gives? Why the long face?”

“I’ve told Pete a million times I’m not down with that sharing shit, but he keeps trying to talk me into it.”

I followed her gaze across the room where Pete and one other guy were taking turns kissing one of the other females while the other one was already getting boned by one guy while sucking off another.

This was nothing compared to how the evening could go with the amount of drugs they had displayed. This is only one of the things I hate about Mitzie. She can be a bit of a prude. I think she gets it from growing up in Alyssa’s perfect shadow. I don’t have that problem, though, so it is what it is.

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