Page 75 of Ninth Circle

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Last I heard, Denny was losing his shit because I hadn’t said one word to him since the day before I left for my business trip months ago. Apparently, he’s telling everyone who would listen that I never loved him or I had been cheating on him with Garrett all along, among other things.

Speaking of which, Garrett finally got around to telling me how he got him fired, and apparently, there’s a morality clause in his contract which he broke, and I’m pretty sure Garrett used his money to grease those wheels of justice.

As for Lacey, apparently, her family has turned against her, and she’s got three months to get out of their house. I guess she didn’t see that coming, but I knew if I put pressure on Sherry by way of icing her out after years of true friendship, she’d go to bat with her highly conservative parents, who happen to love me, by the way.

Now, she has no way of reaching me because Garrett had made me scrub my social media completely and didn’t say why. All he’d say when I asked why I needed to get rid of all of them was, ‘trust me.’

I get the feeling he knows something I don’t. I’ve always known that it’s a cesspit of psychological warfare against humanity, but the way he acts, you’d think Beelzebub himself was running that shit.

Whatever, I haven’t been very prevalent on there since my teens, anyway, and tend to stick to group chats where I drop in once in a while. I haven’t spoken to my family in days either, which I know is eating them up, but that is the price I am making them pay for their sins.

I don’t plan on sending that letter to Corbin until the day before we’re due back because I want to be there to witness his suffering. My phone was going crazy after I posted the pictures, so I turned it off and went about my business while Garrett was talking to his people about this impromptu trip.

“You do know this is going to be another day-long flight, yes.”

“What’s your point? Are you about to deny me something? The honeymoon isn’t even over yet.”

“Of course not, my love; I’m just letting you know to bring everything you need to keep yourself happy.”

“All I need is my phone and your dick, I’m good.” His shadow didn’t move, so I turned to look at him. “Why are you standing there stuck?” He shook his head and went to get packed, which is what I was in the middle of doing.

“What are you and Jackie up to?”

“Why? What did you hear? Who have you been talking to?” I did my best Danny DeVito impression from the movie Matilda.

“You do realize she still has to report to me, right. I am her boss.”


“I thought you knew. She has orders to do whatever you ask of her, of course, but I still have to be kept in the loop. Out of respect for you, I haven’t been opening her reports, I’ve waited for you to tell me what’s going on.”

“Give her to me.”

“Fine, then you pay her.”

“How much does she make?”

“About half a million a year.”

“You… I don’t make that much yet.”

“Check your accounts.”

“Check my what?”

“Your bank accounts.” I looked at him side-eyed but grabbed my phone and turned it back on. I opened my bank app and almost fell on my ass.

“Are you insane? What is this?”

“Seed money. Of course, most of it is not in a checking or savings account. Your accountant will meet with you once we get back home to discuss the rest.”

“You mean there’s more?” He’s nuts, I’m convinced. “You put seven million dollars in there. Seed money for what?” He’s trying to make me crazy.

“That’s your allowance for the year. Do with it as you please.”

“I don’t understand, I have a job.”

“Your job has nothing to do with me; that’s your deal. But as my wife, I’m entitled to take care of you. I didn’t put more because I knew you would have a problem with it, but I will not take it back, so don’t ask.”

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