Page 37 of Ninth Circle

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“You like?” She pushed them further up on her nose and fluttered her eyes.

“You’re adorable!”

“I know!”

Her confidence would scare lesser men, but I, for one, love it. She woke up on the right side of the bed this morning it seems. I’d already been down to the home gym to get my daily workout in before going for a run on the beach, all while she was snuggled up tight in bed.

I’d spent that first five minutes just watching her sleep and enjoying that feeling of wedded bliss, hoping for many more mornings like this. When I snuck out of bed, she didn’t even budge, too tired from last night is my guess.

I came back and showered and found her awake once I came out of the shower. She’d showered in one of the other upstairs bathrooms because her hair was wet and I asked her why she didn’t join me in our shower as I would have loved to wash her back for her.

I got a firsthand look at what our life together was going to look like from her answer. “Because if you see me naked, you won’t be able to help yourself, and I’m too sore to put up with your shit.” I guess she told me. She’d done some kind of twisty-twirly walk to the closet, then looked over her shoulder when she reached the door.

“You can’t have any!” I was, of course, watching her walk away and was, in fact, thinking of taking her down and mounting her after her sassy walk, but no means no. Now we were sitting out on the balcony where we’d had dinner that first-night having breakfast.

She had all of her electronics spread out on the table, her phone, laptop, and iPad, and I could only guess at what she was up to. From the way she was smiling, I imagine she was terrorizing those poor fools who had crossed her.

I think she’s still on autopilot. I don’t think the significance of our wedding has hit her yet, or the changes it’s going to mean for her everyday life going forward. Like the fact that she’s going to have a full security detail, or that the way people treat her is going to change drastically once we get back stateside.

She’s so blissfully unaware it’s almost comical. On the one hand, my money doesn’t seem to mean much to her; on the other, I don’t think she really understands what being married to someone with the kind of money I have means.

She’s like an enigma to me on that score. I’m always having to vet the people I let get close to me for the very reasons that she seems oblivious to. It’s the day after our wedding, and instead of meeting with the financiers I have lined up to help her navigate her new finances, she’s busy trolling people and scoffing down copious amounts of coffee.

As well as I’ve come to know her on paper, I find these little insights into her exciting. She’s so beautifully different from the norm. In my circles, people tend to hide their true feelings behind thousand-dollar smiles. I can’t wait to see her interactions with my acquaintances.

“Why are you upset?” She seemed surprised that I noticed but didn’t comment on it.

“It’s still Sunday back home.”

“Well, yeah, we’re still on GMT.”

“What are you? The timekeeper? I’m making a point.”

“Which is?”

“I can’t call the county and have Dad’s house condemned until tomorrow.” At least she’s consistent.

I pulled my chair closer to hers and saw that she was watching her stepmom, no, wait, Helen, on the screen. I made the mistake of calling Helen her stepmother once and thought my life was forfeit. She didn’t have to spell it out for me after the look she gave me.

“How’s she doing?”

“Do you know how often fleas reproduce?”

“I have no idea.”

“They lay about forty eggs a day, most of which are female, then those females breed and lay forty eggs a day, more females. We started with a thousand; I think we’re at more than double that. Look, it looks like there’s smoke in the living room, but it’s all fleas.”

Helen was walking around with a fly swatter, it looked like and was covered from head to toe. She was on the phone screaming at someone but I couldn’t make out her words because she had her mouth covered from the fleas.

“I could make a call if you’re too impatient to wait.” She perked up in her chair.

“You know people in my town?”

“Of course. I learned everything I needed to know once I realized I’d be moving there after our wedding.”

“You were that sure of yourself?” She seemed offended at my confidence. Tough!

“Of course. Now stop shooting daggers at me, and remember that I am not the enemy.” She gave me a dirty look and turned back to the screen.

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