Page 36 of Ninth Circle

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But right after the wedding, when everyone was talking badly about her, some in surprise because no one expected her to be a gold digger, she’d sent out that interview her new husband had done days before. I didn’t even know she’d met someone else.

No wonder she never said anything about finding me in bed with that slut. She’d probably fucked him the first time they met. But he made mention of my cheating, and everyone knew the truth. That just set off a whole new round of questions and accusations.

No one knew who I’d cheated with, and since Alyssa had cut off Sherry, the general consensus was that it was she and I who were fucking. All of these things I could’ve lived down with time, but now people were laughing at me.

People I had once snubbed were now looking down their noses at me and laughing behind my back. How am I supposed to live with this? I’ll never forgive her. And how dare she just fucking move on like I was nothing?

I want to hurt someone; I want to hurt her. She’d blocked me on everything for weeks, only to unblock me so I could see her fucking wedding and everything else that she’d posted before blocking me again.

She still hasn’t said anything to me directly, and when my family had gone to plead on my behalf, they weren’t even allowed past the door. Her brothers had told my mother and sisters and aunts not to come near her again.

These are people she has known for four years, had spent time with, celebrated with, and just like that, she’d cut them out of her life without a second thought. And no wonder. Her husband is one of the richest men in the world; everyone knows who the fuck he is.

That would’ve been hard enough to deal with, but this is not something I can come back from. Now everyone in our friend group and beyond knows about my dick.

Maybe she’s lying. I tried telling them that, but they claim she’s not the type, that she’s never lied before, and they don’t see why she would now. Some of them even jokingly asked for pictures of my dick just to further my humiliation. I have no doubt that this is why she’d done it. She emasculated me in front of everyone. Who knows how many people saw that post?

Mom left the room, and I just slumped to the floor in misery. Why did this have to happen to me? It’s all that bitch Lacey’s fault. If she hadn’t thrown herself at me, none of this would be happening.

She knew how much I loved Alyssa but just wouldn’t leave me alone until I caved. And Alyssa, that bitch, always so perfect and self-assured. She’s good at everything she does, a rising star most people say.

But she’s so cold. Even though I knew it wouldn’t work, I tried calling her number again, but of course, nothing happened. I went online to try her socials and was still blocked. I feel like I’m losing my mind here; I want to talk to her at least.

Now that she’s married I guess that means that things are over, but why can’t she just talk to me? Give me the opportunity to give my side of the story? Her actions show that she doesn’t care and never did.

I knew I wasn’t the great love of her life; she’d always been honest about that. Her dad’s affair, which led to her parents’ divorce, had scarred her. She was always truthful about that, but I knew that she loved me as much as it was possible for her to love a romantic partner.

She was easy to get along with, never made any demands, and took care of her own needs. Maybe I should’ve known then that she was a cold-hearted bitch. The way she never let anyone in other than her fucking brothers and her Mom.

I should’ve paid attention when she said her only boundary in our relationship was cheating. She was willing to forgive anything else but that. But how was I to know that she would come home early?

If she had given me half a chance to explain, I would’ve told her that the fact that she was so blasé about sex was the reason I strayed. It was no secret that I didn’t satisfy her; she never pretended I did.

But since I was her first, she didn’t know any better. I’m sure she thought that that was all there was to it. I used to think she was asexual to some degree; it would’ve been easy to talk her around because she’s always been fair. She’d have understood my point.

All I had to do was convince her that I needed fulfillment as well, that I deserved to have sexual gratification with someone who appreciated me. We were in sync in every other way. Our backgrounds were pretty much the same, solidly upper middle class.

Our families meshed well together; at least, her Mom and brothers did. She never really brought her Dad around. I should’ve realized what a monstrous bitch she was when she carried a grudge against her own father for fifteen years. Who does that?

She’s a psycho bitch. That’s why she’s doing this to me. I wasn’t even aware that I was crying and screaming until I felt snot on my face. I hate her. I want to hurt her for doing this to me. She got a fucking billionaire while all I got was the worst fuck of my life from that stupid bitch.

I knew Lacey was jealous of Alyssa; it was easy to tell. Every time those two were in the same room together, it was plain to see because Lacey wasn’t very good at hiding her inner feelings. Alyssa never seemed to notice, though the two of them weren’t that close.

I picked up on it easily enough, so that’s why when she made a play for me, I went with it. I knew she was only trying to get back at Alyssa for whatever reason, but I didn’t care. Someone else wanted me and though Lacey is not on Alyssa’s level in any way, I still got a high from the whole situation.

It was an even bigger turn-on doing it in our bed, something we’d been doing for months behind her back. She never knew, never suspected, or maybe she just never cared. I’ll never know, though, because the cold bitch hasn’t spoken to me once since that night.

I’d been too chicken to go back to her house since the one time I built up the courage to drive by her brothers’ cars were in the driveway and on the street in front of the house.

I knew I risked getting beaten up if I went to the door, and I didn’t want to risk being seen, so I never tried again. Lacey has been calling me nonstop and her crazy was escalating as well. Her last call, which had been left in my voicemail, was a bit deranged.

She seemed to think that I wanted to be in a relationship with her, which was never my intent. I thought she knew since I was going ahead with the wedding, that Alyssa was the one I wanted. She’d even joked about us doing it on my wedding night after I snuck away from my new bride.

Back then, it sounded like fun, but now I’m left with this nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach and no way of getting beyond it because Alyssa wouldn’t even give me a chance to explain or apologize. How could someone be this fucking inhuman?


She’s so cute. “Where did you get the glasses?” She turned to me with the rimless gold glasses that made her look like a fuckable librarian.

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