Page 35 of Ninth Circle

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She’d be eaten up with envy, bedridden even with grief and heartbreak. But none of that happened, and now she’s married to one of the wealthiest men in the world. It’s not fair. I have to get her back; I have to make her suffer for putting me through this.

Though I hadn’t tried calling her, she never even tried to contact me, never asked me anything about the affair. Does that mean she didn’t suffer? That she wasn’t hurt? No, I can’t accept that; she had to be pretending.

They were together for four years. I waited, I bided my time, and I plotted. She never knew what I was planning. I was sure the affair would break her, would make her beg. I wanted to see her beg. Why isn’t she begging?

I looked down at the video again as it played on a loop with tears running down my face. She can’t get away with it. She won’t get away with it. She looks so happy, and he… he’s ten times better than Denny, a hundred even.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Maybe she was lying, she was having an affair before this. They must’ve known each other before, and her new husband is lying to cover up the fact that they were cheating. “Bitch, slut!” I felt like the life was being sucked out of me.

I have to make her pay somehow. But how? I know. I did it before; I can do it again. The thought gave me solace. All men like younger women. Even though we’re not that far apart in age, every year counts. Besides, if I make myself available, there’s no reason for him not to take me up on my offer.

That’s it. I don’t need to be upset. I just have to wait for their return. Are they going to live here? The interview didn’t say. Just something about him going wherever his wife desires. I have to get my hair and nails done. I’ll be ready when they come back.


This is such a fucking mess. I can’t believe that things have come to this. My heart is literally broken, but I have no one else to blame but myself. I knew what saying those words to Alyssa could mean, but I also didn’t think she would be so willing to just throw away our twenty years of friendship so easily.

My sister is such a fuck up. Why, of all the people in the world, did she have to go after Alyssa’s fiancé? Everyone in my family and anyone close to her, in fact, knows how that girl feels about cheaters and cheating in relationships.

I think the only reason my sister is still breathing is because of the respect my once best friend has for my parents. That’s the only reason I can think of for her not retaliating after all these weeks have gone by.

I guess losing my best friend is a better price to pay than my sister’s life, which I was sure was forfeit after the incident. That’s only one of the reasons I had even made the suggestion that she give them another chance. The other being that as stupid as my sister is, she’s still my sister and I didn’t want anything happening to her.

I looked down at my iPad, which I had grabbed as soon as I got back to my room, and felt more tears leave my eyes. I was supposed to be Alyssa’s maid of honor, and she mine. That’s the pact we had made when we were about six and went to our first wedding together with our families.

We’d both been blown away by the glitz and glamor and had started planning our own weddings back then. Of course, our little brains couldn’t get beyond Disney princess bride, but we at least knew we wanted each other to be the one in that position.

It would’ve happened, too, had things not gone to shit. I knew it was as soon as my sister busted into my bedroom to tell me what she had done between laughter and fear. When she described Alyssa’s reaction that night, I was filled with fear and had been staying awake most nights waiting for the retaliation, especially after she’d cut me off.

Knowing Alyssa, she would’ve done something by now, and that’s why I’m not sure if I should be relieved or even more fearful at the fact that she had done nothing. But I guess she had done something. I looked down at the video of her beach wedding again and felt a sharp pain in my chest.

She’d had her dream wedding after all, only I wasn’t there to be a part of it. I didn’t even know she knew this Garrett person; she’d never mentioned him before. So how was she getting married to this complete stranger?

I’d looked him up, of course, and had seen the interview he himself did about the way they met. Alyssa has always been one of the lucky ones. No matter what she was facing in life, she always seemed to come out on top. I used to tease that she must’ve been born under a lucky star.

But I don’t know how to feel about this, about being locked out of her life for one little thing. Shouldn’t she expect me to stand up for my sister? Even though that’s not really what I was doing. I was simply trying to avoid the fallout.

My parents are already pissed at Lacey, but what are they going to do? She’s their daughter, and as much as they love Alyssa, there’s no way they’re going to put someone else before their own child. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?

Is she treating Denny the same way? I wouldn’t know because he has disappeared. He won’t answer any calls, and his family is being very tight-lipped. The last I heard, they’d gone to Alyssa’s place, but her overprotective brothers had driven them away.

But of everything that has happened, this hurts the most. She’d gotten married without me. I thought when she blocked me that it would last a day or two, though she’s never gone that far before. But this tells me that she’s really moved on without me. How could she be so cold?


“Denny, you’ve got to calm down.”

“Get out, get out.” I glared at my mother with all the anger I’d been bottling up for weeks now. “Don’t tell me to calm down; she’s made a mockery out of me.”

“I understand, but destroying your room isn’t going to change anything.”

“Who cares about the fucking room?” My head was spinning, and I felt like I needed to throw up. I knew Alyssa could be a bitch when crossed, but I didn’t know she could be this vindictive?

It was bad enough when our mutual friends saw her wedding live-streamed, but what she did later that night made me want to kill her. She knew when she posted that bloody sheet that it would get people talking. At first, no one believed her that she was a virgin on her wedding night.

We’d been together for four years, after all, but then she had to go and explain that my dick was so small that I never pierced her hymen. At first, everyone was sending me condolences and cussing her out for being a bitch. They thought she had left me for someone richer, and that was the reason for the split.

Since she hadn’t told them about my cheating after all this time, I thought that I was in the clear. I didn’t correct them and thought things would blow over. They’d seen the wedding and started coming to their own conclusions.

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