Page 114 of Ninth Circle

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Natalie fell to her knees, wailing, while her parents tried to get her up off the floor again. Kevin and Alyssa were both staring at her, not moving, and I felt like I was in the middle of a very poorly written movie plot.

Her father finally thought to talk to her husband, who looked like he was ready to commit murder. Not one of the three had asked how the child was doing. The first thing Natalie’s Mom did as soon as her husband and son-in-law left the room was try to guilt me for my treatment of her daughter.

“How could you just stand by and let this person assault my daughter after all that you two meant to each other? You were together for so many years; how could you be so cold?”

“Your daughter has been married to someone else for almost four years. I don’t know what she’s been telling you, but we hadn’t spoken in all that time until I got married. We’re not close; in fact, by the time we broke up, we weren’t that close, and she knows it.”

“Oh, so she’s one of those spoilt brats who didn’t want the toy but didn’t want anyone else to play with it.” Alyssa sneered. “I guess I can see where she gets it from because both you and your husband are tools. Not one of you asked how the child she abused is doing. That would be your grandchild; remember him?”

“Who are you to speak here? You have no say in this. You’re not one of us. You need to leave.” I opened my mouth to blast Natalie’s Mom for speaking to my wife like that in her own home, but she beat me to it.

“Bitch, I don’t want to be one of you monsters. Your daughter, who apparently is one of you, whatever the fuck that means, is so obsessed with my husband’s dick that she lost her damn mind and attacked her own child. What you need to do is get her some help. You know what, fuck this.”

She got her phone out and started typing away. “What’re you doing? What is she doing?” Natalie’s Mom asked me. I wasn’t sure, but I had a pretty good idea.

“There, I just sent the footage to someone who could use it for good.”

I’d taken my focus off of Natalie, who used my distraction to fly at Alyssa. She moved so damn fast that I didn’t see it. I only saw the takedown, but I know she used her leg to sweep Natalie’s from out under her before slamming her to the floor.

No one spoke for the first few seconds because I think we were all in shock. I came unstuck when she grabbed Natalie’s hair and started slamming her face into the marble floor. She’s completely fucking nuts.

Mother and daughter started screaming bloody murder until the two men came running. Natalie’s Dad started making threats as soon as he saw his daughter, but Alyssa didn’t seem to care. I was holding her back after getting her away from Natalie because she looked like she wasn’t done.

“You’re not the only one who knows how to protect your family. If anyone comes after my wife, I will take all of you down.”

“How can you say that, Garrett? We accepted you into our family for so many years…”

“Cut the bullshit. You always knew I wasn’t going to marry her. And the only reason you wanted me in your family was because of my family’s connections. Your daughter always knew where I stood, so if she lied to herself and the rest of you, that’s on you.”

“What do you mean? Didn’t you promise to marry her and then renege?”

“Is that what she told you? That was never going to happen. I knew what she was two years in; I just didn’t know she was this bad. My mother would never have accepted her because she, too, saw what she is.”

“Stop talking, you’re lying. Daddy, you’ve got to help me. They’re trying to destroy me. Kevin, do something.” He just shook his head and walked out of the room and back up the stairs.

“Who did you send it to?” I asked Alyssa while Natalie’s parents tended to her.

“I sent it to the online group that likes exposing filth. I’m sure it’s all over the internet by now. So if they were planning to rug sweep, they’re too late.”

“You okay?”

“Get that wailing bitch out of my house before I break her in half. Hey, I’m about to call the cops. You three need to leave.”

“Not without my son. I’ll have you arrested for kidnapping.”

“His father is here. He saw what you did to his son. Do you really think he’s going to side with you? Now, get the hell out of my home. As for you two, you’re despicable. You raised that; she’s your kid, I understand, but what about that little boy. Why aren’t either of you fighting to protect him?”

“We didn’t know!” Natalie’s Dad answered, looking and sounding defeated. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“But Daddy…”

“Now, Natalie.”

Her Mom started to say something, but he shut her down. “I saw the recording; I blame you for this. Whenever I tried to correct her, you stepped in and made sure she didn’t face any consequences; that’s why we have a day like today.”

“Don’t you dare!”

“Don’t I dare what? We both know it’s the truth. You turned my daughter into this. Someone who beats her child because her ex doesn’t want her anymore. Garrett, I’m sorry; we’ll get her out of here. Kevin can go back to the house; we’ll be taking her to get some help.”

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