Page 113 of Ninth Circle

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Of course, I gave them to her, even though I knew the poor guy was caught between a rock and a hard place; that’s my wife; I promised to choose her side in all things. But fuck if she isn’t the most stubborn little shit ever to walk the earth.

I don’t know what she dreamt last night, but she woke up this morning loaded for bear. Even our morning sex was a little bit violent, and I have the scratch marks on my back to prove it. I took it all in stride, though, because I knew she was pissed from last night; I just didn’t realize how upset she really was.

I can only be thankful that she’s too preoccupied with this matter to realize that her precious Jacks is missing. I haven’t thought of a good enough answer to give her that wouldn’t be an outright lie. Just the thought of lying to her makes my stomach hurt, so I know that’s not an avenue I can take.

Natalie had sobered up some and was going on the rampage, making threats and acting out of control. Kevin refuses to go to the house right now because he swears he might do something drastic to her, and I can’t in all good conscience try to force him before he’s ready.

Some of the shit she said on those recordings, especially the ones referring to me, must be hard for him to stomach. I was embarrassed just listening to them and hoping my wife had enough foresight to recognize the ramblings of a delusional woman. Because some of that shit surely sounded like Natalie and I were lovers who’d been interrupted by time and place.

I had no idea she was so obsessed with me. I guess I have my selfishness to blame for not seeing it before. I thought because I was done that meant she had moved on as well. She was the one who gave the ultimatum that put an end to us, after all, so I don’t see why she should be acting like this.

I’m not sure if my marriage sent her over the edge or if she’d been this crazy all along. If she was, then she’d hidden it very well over the years we were together, or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention. It boggles my mind that a woman I barely spare a thought these days could have me so prevalent in her mind and thoughts as to go to these lengths.

There was a loud knock at the door and the doorbell was going off at the same time. Whoever it was, was in one hell of a rush, and I made it to the door two steps behind the butler. It was Natalie and her parents, and I can’t say I was surprised to see them. They’ve always stood behind her, no matter what.

“Where is my son? Give me back my son, you bitch.” I looked over my shoulder to see Alyssa and Kevin coming down the stairs. Natalie tried getting by me to get to her and I had to push her back. “Don’t! I don’t want to hit you, but if you touch my wife, I will hurt you.”

“How could you choose her over me? How can you take her side after what she did? Look at my face.” She had two black eyes, and there were strips of medical tape across the bridge of her nose. Her lip was split as well, and her cheek was swollen. It had taken Alyssa less than five minutes to do all that.

“Garrett, what’s going on here? What is the meaning of all this? Where is my grandson? And why did you let this person attack my daughter?”

“Your daughter abused your grandson, and I took him away for his safety.” I wasn’t about to let them attack Alyssa, so I was willing to take all the blame.

“You’re lying, I didn’t do anything. It was her; she came into my house and attacked me for nothing. You’ve got to believe me, Daddy; they’re all lying.” She tried getting around me again, screaming at the top of her lungs. She hadn’t once acknowledged her husband, and I wasn’t even sure she was aware he was standing right there.

“You crazy bitch, you hit my son, not just once, but many times over the last few weeks that we know of.” Kevin stepped forward, barely restraining his anger. It was the first time since he arrived at my home that he didn’t look like a broken man.

“You’re crazy; what the hell are you talking about? Did that bitch tell you that? Where is she? I hired her, I pay her, not you.” Natalie looked around for the nanny who had been left upstairs with the baby, who was doing much better this morning, though he still seemed a bit on edge and cranky. Poor little guy.

“What the hell are you rambling about? Who cares who pays who? Everything was caught by the cameras. The nanny didn’t say shit to me because she was too afraid of the threats you made.”

“What cameras?” Natalie seemed to have had the air knocked out of her at his announcement.

“Oh, didn’t you know? I had cameras installed when my son started getting one too many bruises. Even before Alyssa suspected you, I knew there was something going on. Only I thought it had to be the nanny hurting him because I never would’ve imagined you capable of something so disgusting.”

“Oh, I see, you and that slut conspired against me. You see, Garrett, they’re in it together. They know that you love me, and they’re trying to get in our way.” She looked at me as if pleading with me to admit to this.

“How did you get like this? You’ve gone completely mad. I never loved you; you knew that. I kept you around because you were the least annoying of all the others who were always throwing themselves at me.”

“You’re lying; you’re just saying that.”

“Think, how much time did I spend with you throughout our relationship? How many times did I initiate anything with you? Even our nights out were planned by you.” She dropped to her knees and tried walking toward me on them as I stepped back out of the way so she couldn’t touch me.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why are you saying these things? We were meant to be together. Otherwise, why would you have stayed with me that long? We can go back to the way things were before I gave you the ultimatum.”

Her mother helped her up off the floor, finally embarrassed by her daughter’s behavior.

“Oh? And what about your husband and child?” Did she even remember them? It didn’t look so because she stopped talking as she looked around as if searching for an answer.

“No, this isn’t right; we were so good together. Everyone said so. We were always together; you took me to all those dinners and parties; I was always the one on your arm. How can you say that you never loved me? I know you loved me in the beginning; you had to.”

“I never loved you or was in love with you. You always knew because I never kept it a secret. You knew I wasn’t looking to get serious with anyone, and since you accepted that, I kept you around because you were never a distraction.”

“As for us spending all our time together, I spent most of my time focused on building my business. I didn’t have the time to invest in a relationship. These are things you knew. Whatever story you made up with your friends to make us seem like more than we were is on you, but when did you start believing your own lies?”

“No, it’s not true. If I didn’t try to force you, we would still be together.”

“I doubt that. I would’ve met my wife sooner or later, and we’d be right where we are today. She’s the only one I would ever marry, the only one I want to spend my life with. You were just a placeholder. Nothing more.”

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