Page 112 of Ninth Circle

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A speeding ticket, sure, Dad would take care of it. But if we hit someone with our car or caused any kind of harm to someone, we’d have to face the consequences. That was something that I found very unattractive in Natalie and her family, and one of the reasons I was glad to be done with the relationship.

As I got older, I realized that our values were vastly different. Now as I booted up Alyssa’s tablet and found the folder where she was keeping the shit she’d recorded from Natalie’s home over the past few weeks, I wondered how the fuck I never saw this side of her or never realized that she had this in her.

I needed to wait for Kevin to see what he wanted to do before doing anything else. I owed him at least that and from what he’d said so far, he had no plans to protect Natalie in this. He’s mad as hell and worried about his son, which is the right reaction. If he’d reacted in any other way, I’d have taken matters into my own hands.

I watched the footage, and it was like watching a life unravel. Most of her rants were about Alyssa and her hate for her. That didn’t interest me in the least; it’s what she did when she got mad, the way she’d go after the nanny and the kid who was hard to watch.

Even after what happened tonight, I didn’t realize it was this bad. “She’s fucking deranged.” Yeah, there’s no way I’m going to let anyone hush this up. In one of her episodes, she shook the baby so hard and almost got up to go to the room he was in now to make sure he was okay.

That looked like the shit abusers do that lead to shaken child syndrome. I felt so bad for the little guy, fuck, he’s just a baby. I wasn’t even seeing Natalie, the person I knew; she’d become little more than any other common criminal in my eyes, and the longer I sat there, the more I hoped Kevin would do the right thing because if I stepped in, it would be much worse for her.

I shut down the iPad after taking a look at the live feed and took a deep breath. She hadn’t called her Dad, which I find weird. Usually, she’d have been on the phone with him by now, so this means she knows what she’s doing.

Some part of her, even though she was still walking around her house, breaking shit while guzzling whiskey straight from the bottle, knew what she had done and that it was so fucked up ever her father would be against her. That makes it even worse, somehow.

It shouldn’t be too long before Kevin gets here, but it won’t be soon enough. I don’t know much about him, other than what I’ve seen the times we met over the years. He’s always been very personable and kinda straight-laced. But I know for a fact that he’s no match for Natalie’s family.

I know once news of this starts getting around, they’ll close ranks to protect her. But all that’s going to do is leave her free to harm little Andrew again. So, I have a choice. Either I take the kid out of there, or I get rid of Natalie. Because I know for a fact that my wife is not gonna let this go, and she shouldn’t.

I was so proud of her tonight and the way she handled things at the dinner party. I knew she was all about putting Natalie in her place and showing the guests who were there that she was none of the things Natalie had painted her as.

She’d done that and more. I’d fielded compliments throughout the night from everyone there who seemed to think I had traded up. Everyone was singing her praises, and Mom and Dad were obviously smitten. She’d won them over by being herself; she didn’t have to pretend anything.

I was riding that high even when we were in the back of the car, and I had to take a last-minute call. I had no idea what was going on from one moment to the next. One second, she was smiling and snickering at something on her phone, and the next, we were pulling into Natalie’s driveway.

I still didn’t realize what was happening because I was ending my call when she jumped out of the car and ran to the door. I only snapped out of it when she started hitting Natalie, and even then, I thought it was over something Natalie had said to or about her. I never in a million years would’ve expected anything like this.

I guess I should have after the slap situation, but this was bad. She’s fucking deranged. My phone rang, and I looked at the readout. Why the hell is Marcus calling me? We’d already taken care of the situation back home with the men Jackie and the others had beaten up the night they went after Mitzie. Maybe he has some information about that.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Where is she?”

“What? Where is who?” Fuck me!

“Don’t play games with me. Where is she?”

“How did you know?”

“I smelled her in that fucking room.”

“Okay, calm down. I was watching over her for you. She wasn’t ready….”

“Where is she?” I could hear traffic in the background as if he was driving.

“Where are you?”

“Right outside your fucking house, and I see her.”


“Later. I’ll deal with you after I deal with her.” He hung up the phone, and I ran for the door. The door to Jack’s car was open, and she was gone. I looked around and saw nothing. Fuck, can this night get any worse?


Ican’t catch a break. I barely slept a wink last night, Marcus is on the loose, and Kevin is in my home office having a meltdown. My wife, as if she didn’t trust me to handle things, had chosen to show him all the recordings from the nanny cam at once and he was not handling it well.

As if that wasn’t enough, she’d threatened to post it all online if he didn’t handle the situation in a way she approved. Not only that, in front of him she’d asked for my contacts in the media just so he’d know how serious she was about going public.

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