Page 105 of Ninth Circle

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“Aren’t I just? Now let’s go to bed; I have a sudden hunger for you.”

“You’re always hungry for sex.”

‘” And who is to blame for that, I wonder?” She blushed and took off running with me behind her. There’s never a dull moment with her, that’s for sure.


Today has been some level of hell, for sure. First, my run-in with Alyssa didn’t go as planned, and then the damn raccoon in my car just had to bite me. You’d think that would be the worst of it, but nope. I guess I should be grateful to the two strangers who ran me down and pulled me over before I got back home.

They claimed they’d seen what happened and thought it was better that I went to the hospital. I was so confused by that point I didn’t question anything, so I just left my car and followed them back to theirs.

It was only once we were all inside with the doors closed and locked that my fear kicked in, but lucky for me, they’d been true to their word and had taken me straight to the hospital and had even hung around to wait, which was another blessing I was soon to find out.

The shot, which I had erroneously thought would just be a regular shot in the arm, was anything but. The stupid doctor had injected directly into the bite, and that shit still hurt worse than the bite did hours later.

After we left the hospital, I was in no shape to do much of anything since my head was spinning, and I felt as though I was going to throw up with each step I took, so they drove me back to my car, but then one of them had to follow in my car while I laid in the backseat of their car too weak to even lift my head.

I don’t know how they knew where I lived, but I figured I’d somehow relayed that information in my pain fog at some point. I shit myself as soon as I walked through the door because the diarrhea that I had held in all this time just couldn’t hold on for the last few steps to the bathroom once I knew the door was just ahead.

I was a mess after changing out of the soiled clothes and sitting on the head for what felt like hours. At some point, I made it into the shower, where I had to lie while the water beat down on me from above.

When I finally had the strength, I crawled my way to my room and up onto the bed, where I was interrupted by my mother as soon as my head hit the pillow. She came in to show me her phone with pictures of Lacey throwing out bloody pads, of all things, which only made my nausea worse.

“Ma, why the hell are you showing me that?” She knocked me in the head, yes, my already throbbing head, “Because this means she’s not pregnant, you ass. I want her out of here.”

It would’ve been fine if she left it there since I agreed with her sentiment, but she had to continue with her latest mantra about what a disappointment I am and how Alyssa was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I’ll never find another like her. My own mother had already written me off and cursed me at twenty-four.

I was too sick to fight with her, so I just rolled over to get some sleep. I would like to celebrate the fact that Lacey was finally out of my life but I didn’t have the will to even breathe. The injection site felt as if the needle was still going in and out of there, and my stomach refused to settle down.

I’m not sure how often I went in and out of the toilet, but it was a lot. I noticed how quiet the house was at some point and realized that everyone else must have gone to night service at the church. I was thirsty as hell, but if I took one more step, I think my head would explode. So, I crawled on my belly back to my room and made my way onto the bed.

Something jarred me awake sometime later, and in my confusion, it took me a minute to realize that there was someone else in the room with me. “Don’t make so much noise, Mom, my head is splitting.” I put my head back down and passed out.

Why the hell is my bed moving? I laid still for a minute and tried to make sense of the sounds and scents around me. I was smelling the ocean which made no sense because how the hell did I get there? I tried to sit up and realized immediately that that sickening feeling was no longer there.

My guts didn’t feel like it was trying to crawl through my ass, and my head wasn’t a pinata for the little drummer boy. But where the hell was I, and why was I smelling the ocean so strong? Did my family bring me out to the shore to make me feel better?

I started to get up and saw Lacey lying on a small cot next to the one I was on. “What the fuck?” I looked around the room and immediately realized why my bed was moving; we were on a ship.


The last few days have been chaotic. For one, Jacks was gone. Garrett had gone behind my back and sent her back to Cali, but once he explained that she was keeping an eye on Natalie, I let it go. But that’s not the biggest surprise. Apparently, Denny and Lacey had run off together, or at least that’s what everyone thinks.

No one knows for sure because no one saw them leave together, but the fact that they both disappeared at the same time made it appear that they had. Though Denny’s Mom was telling anyone who would listen how much her son hated Lacey, which no one believed because they all pretty much knew about that video by now.

Speaking of everyone knowing, news of Helen’s arrest was already making the rounds, and the local gossip tree was in full force. I think the general consensus was that Helen had lost her shit because Dad went to my wedding without her because I didn’t want her there after years of abuse.

A little side note, Rhoda has been sharing some old texts between Helen and her friends bragging about how she was making mine and my Mom’s lives hell. I didn’t even have to embellish that shit to make her get hate; it was that horrible on its own.

Anyway, the ladies and some gents, too, I believe, were adding two and two together and getting ten, which was perfect for my purpose. They were of the belief that Helen, in a fit of rage, had released a monumental number of fleas in Dad’s home to destroy it out of jealousy and hate.

There was mention of her meltdown in the parking lot of the Piggly Wiggly; thanks again to Rhoda releasing that footage, and pretty much everyone was convinced Helen was no longer playing with a full deck. That’s for the years my mother had suffered mentally while that bitch was turning the screws and making it worse.

There was no bail, and somehow, the case was being rushed through the system, and she was looking at twenty years to life. At least that’s the gossip, but no one will know for sure until the trial starts if there’s even going to be one. Her court-appointed attorney may be pushing hard for her to take a plea deal, but again, I don’t know how true that is because it’s just hearsay at this point.

Mitzie was long gone, thanks to Garrett, who had met her on my behalf the day after I saw her in the hospital because I had a meeting I couldn’t miss. He'd sent the poor girl out of the country because Garrett couldn’t do anything like a normal person; he’d sent her all the way to the UK to the Sassoon academy because they were the best, he said.

She didn’t hang around to see what became of her mother because she was just done and I can’t say that I blame her. I always thought Helen spoiled her and gave her the life she thought she was stealing away from me. I had no idea that she was being abused and neglected. And that Helen only paid attention to her when I was around to make me feel left out.

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