Page 41 of Seven Ways Back

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Bran said all the right things, made me laugh until I was in stitches, bought me a wonderful dinner, after which he asked me if I’d like to see his fancy condo. I said yes because I didn’t know how to say no.

He offered me a drink. I said yes again.

He started kissing me. I didn’t push him away.

He slid his hands under my dress, greedy fingers running along my panties, making me wet. I was shocked but went along with it.

I thought that would be a way to get over Zach. That it would erase the memories of him, of everything he did to me and that we did to each other.

The second Bran’s thumb brushed against my clit, I freaked the hell out. I’m talking slapping his hands away and crying full of snot.

“What the fuck?” he threw his hands up in defense and took a couple of steps back from me. “Are you okay?”

“I’m so sorry,” I tried to say in between big gulps of air. I felt like I was losing my mind, and I couldn’t even explain it. “I just… I can’t. I’m so sorry,” I repeated and hoped he wouldn’t call the cops on me.

“It’s okay,” Bran was the nicest guy. “I’m sorry if I overstepped. You… I thought… I’m sorry,” he put his head back and let out a sigh while staring at the ceiling, hands on his hips.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” I tried to assure him. “It’s me. I’m… I’m in love with someone, and I just, I can’t.”

“Fair enough,” Bran brought his eyes back to me. “You are beautiful and smart, and I hope he’s worth it.”

I didn’t take the time to explain to him the crappy situation I landed myself in with Zach. How can you explain that it’s not that Zach was not worthy of me, but the other way around? I just put my head down and nodded.

“He is worth it,” I mumbled.

Bran’s hands came down on my shoulders, and I jumped. “Can I give you a hug?”

We hugged it out and stayed friends after that night. Not best friends or anything, just friends who follow each other on social media. He offered me tickets to the Sliders’ home games, and I took him up on it a few times. Mattie thought that things happened just as they needed to, and that it all worked out in the end since we ended up with free tickets to the games, because she decided she’d be my plus one to all of them.

“I did most of the work,” she explained when I questioned her on that, and I couldn’t argue with her logic.

“Are you okay?” Zach’s voice brings me back to the present. I wonder if we have to share with each other anything that’s happened to us since we’ve been apart, my almost sexual encounter with Bran included.

“I wish I had another drink,” I give him a lopsided grin, and he lets it go.

In the corner of my eye, I notice the elevator doors sliding open for the second time since we’ve been standing here, but there are still too many people to deal with.

“There’s Van,” Zach’s height gives him an advantage, allowing him to see over the crowd a lot better than I can. Which, I can’t see over the crowd at all. “And Chloe,” he adds, and I strain my neck looking for her until I see her.

I start jumping up and down, waving my arms around like a crazy person. This is so not who I am at all. I mean, I try to be happy and have a good attitude in general, but I wouldn’t say that I am at this level of bubbly.

She finally sees me, and they move around people to walk our way.

“Chloe,” I almost face plant right into her chest when she is finally standing in front of me.

“Slayer,” my cousin gives me a quick hug, then I see her eyes looking at me in confusion. “Have you been drinking?”

The way she asks that combined with the surprise on her face makes me want to laugh my ass off. “Just a little bit,” I put my thumb and index finger up to show her.

“We need to get some water and coffee in you, Hunter,” Chloe mutters under her breath, looking like she’s trying to figure out how to hold me up. I’m okay though. I think I am at least, but I do stumble into her.

Zach’s hands grab me from behind, pulling me upright.

“Zach,” I glance behind me and smile at him. I then turn to look at my cousin who is watching our interaction with surprise and confusion. “This is him,” I whisper in her ear. Her gasp of shock tells me that she knows what I’m trying to tell her.

“Hunter,” she tries to pull me back to her. I love how worried she is about me. I love this girl so much, I wish we were friends like this seven years ago. She is younger than me, but way smarter. Chloe would’ve coached me on how to tell my parents to kiss my ass because I was keeping Zach.

Speaking of Zach, his hands are tighter on me now, and he pulls be back and away from Chloe again.

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