Page 42 of Seven Ways Back

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“No,” I try to slap his hands away, but he doesn’t seem to care at all.

Van and Chloe are watching us in fascination while Zach’s face is a mask of thunder when I finally have the guts to look at him. Van comes to my rescue when he claps and rubs his hands together like he is about to announce something big.

“Okay. We are going to try and hit the jackpot. Chandler and Monica style.”

What is this man talking about, I wonder in my head. Like Chandler and Monica from Friends? They’re the only ones I know. How did they hit the jackpot? And then it hits me. They gambled to see if they’d get married.

“You’re getting married?” I’m sure everyone within a hundred yards can hear my shock.

Zach, who is now standing next to me instead of behind me, turns his head to look at Van, one eyebrow up in question, but Van just shrugs like the goofball that he is.

“We don’t know yet,” Chloe rushes to say. “But we’ll give it our all. Right, Van?”

Since he is just staring at her without saying a word, I throw my arm around Chloe’s shoulders, thanking my lucky stars for the high heels I’m wearing tonight because the girl is tall.

“Yes,” I yell out. “Let’s get married, Zach,” I push my hand around his arm and lean into him, then attempt to pull him with me.

“Wait,” Chloe grabs my other arm while Zach has a good grip on me as well. I am sort of stuck in between the two of them, arms stretched out like I’m Rubber Girl. The thought amuses me, but the look on my cousin’s face does not.

“Chlo, if you get married, I wanna get married, too.” I know I’m whining but I can’t help it. My head falls to her shoulder. “Just think what our parents would think if we go back home married in Vegas. Our moms,” I bust out laughing. I am laughing so hard at that, I am bent in half, the only thing stopping me from sliding to the floor being Zach’s grip on my arm and Chloe’s much gentler touch on the other side of me.

When Van starts laughing too, it only fuels my fire. I would love to stick it to my parents like that. To my mom, especially.

I finally calm down enough to hear Van trying to herd us toward where the slots are. Once there, he and Chloe see the one they want to play, and they completely forget about me and Zach.

“Well, that’s rude,” I throw my arm out toward their retreating backs while looking at Zach.

“How drunk are you?” he does a complete one-eighty on me.

“Drunk,” I grin at him. “But I still want to go up to your room. Because I want you.”

Zach takes a moment to assess the situation. He seems to be at a crossroads, unsure of how he wants to proceed. His next words snap me out of my alcohol induced goofiness.

“Bad enough that you still want to marry me?”


You may kiss the bride


The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them. I don’t regret them in the least. This is an opportunity to finally make Hunter mine. And if this is how I can make it happen, I got no shame in doing so. Her being drunk has no weight on my decision. I hope she’ll remember this in the morning. But if she doesn’t, I’ll just have to remind her.

“Do you want me bad enough that you still want to marry me?” I repeat my question when I see that she is just staring at me. Maybe she needs another drink. My eyes start scanning the room for one of the waitresses who are always around.

“Yes.” Her voice is so soft, I fear that I didn’t hear her right. But when my eyes come back to her, she is smiling. Her entire being seems to be wired and lit up from within.

She wants this. That’s all I need to know.

“Good answer.” I kiss her hard on the mouth and pop her even harder on the ass, but she just finds it funny.

I pull my phone out and start looking up information on how to get married in Las Vegas. That is the one thing I never imagined I’d be doing in my lifetime.

“What are you doing?” Hunter snickers as she lifts herself more on the tip of her toes to look at my screen.

“Figuring out how to get us married,” I crack up at that, too. We’re quite the pair.

I scroll through a couple of websites then give up.

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