Page 40 of Seven Ways Back

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I am speechless.

A fresh drink is set in front of her, and she dives for it. She starts gulping it down like water. I snap out of my stupor and reach for her glass. After a little bit of resistance, she lets go and I slam it on the bar top. Damn, for someone who never drinks alcohol, she is like a fish that’s been thrown back into the ocean.


“No, don’t say anything that’ll make me feel stupid,” she puts her hand out to stop me.

“That’s not what I was going to do at all,” I turn my entire body to face her, trapping her in between my spread knees.

“What were you going to do?” her slurring is just adorable.

“This,” I whisper right before palming the back of her head and pulling her into me.

I slam my lips onto hers and force her mouth open.

I finally have her.


How drunk are you?


Zach’s tongue slipping in and out of my mouth throws me for a loop. He tastes so good, I want to lick him all over. I slide my tongue against his, and next time he pushes into my mouth, gliding over my front teeth first, I wrap my lips around it and suck hard. The groan bursting from the back of his throat is all the reward I need.

“Zach,” I say his name over and over every time he lets me come up for air. Or when I let him come up for air. Whatever. We’re both as into it, and there’s no competition.

“We need to go up to my room,” he rasps in his gravelly voice, almost pulling me into his lap on the barstool.

Even through my alcohol infused brain, I can tell that it wouldn’t be able to hold us both once I started grinding onto his cock. Because that’s all I want to do right now. I wish I put on a skirt when I dressed up to come downstairs. It would’ve made things so much easier.

“Yes,” I moan when Zach’s open mouthed kisses up and down my neck stir all sorts of emotions inside of me.

All of a sudden, his lips disappear, and he is standing. I look up all the way to his face, watching in fascination when he pulls cash out of his pocket, and, without paying attention to how much he separates from his wad, he drops a few bills on the bar top.

“Let’s go,” he waits patiently for me to stand on my wobbly feet. He grabs me by the hand and carefully maneuvers us around all the other patrons of the bar who seem to be drinking their weight in alcohol. Although, I am not one to talk. I am a mess, and I know it.

“Zach, not this fast,” I call out to him when I feel like I can’t keep up with his long strides. “I’m gonna trip with these heels on,” I point at them and laugh. They’re higher than what I’m used to, and I struggle a bit just walking normal in them, let alone jog around the place like this.

He stops so abruptly, I almost fall on my ass when I run into his side. His hands come to rest on my hips, keeping me immobilized. The way he is looking at me is getting me hotter than I’ve ever been. Is it because of the alcohol? I don’t know, but I sure like it.

“I am going to fuck you in those shoes and that thong you have on,” he whispers against my lips. “You are going to love every second of it.” The tip of his tongue comes out, taking playful little licks at my lips. “You are going to beg me for more. So. Much. More.” Every word is punctuated with a nip of his teeth, just hard enough to make me wetter. I don’t want it to show through my pants, but if it does, I have no regrets. This is Zach. The man of my dreams.

“I am begging already,” I grin up at him, and I swear he shudders.

We continue our trek to the elevators, at a much slower pace this time. The crowd of people waiting there is overwhelming, so I pull Zach more to the side.

“Let’s wait a bit,” I beg. I don’t want to be crowded in an elevator. I feel like it would trigger a panic attack even though my brain is fully soaked in alcohol right now. I almost congratulate myself for having enough functional brain cells to think about it.

We move more to the side for people to walk past us, when Zach wraps me in his arms from behind. It feels so good to be with him again. It’s like life has been standing still since I walked away from him, from us, and now that we are back to being together, I can breathe again.

Although, we are not together like that. The thought makes my heart constrict in my chest. I wish I had a few more drinks because the alcohol is wearing off. I unwrap myself from Zach’s arms with the intention to look at him and ask him what’s going to happen next. I am scared to ask but I also want to know, especially since he is my only serious relationship ever.

About two years after our disastrous breakup, Mattie talked me into going out with the son of a client of hers. He turned out to be a Sliders player, which I thought would be right up my alley. What a way to get back onto the proverbial dating horse, right?

Mattie gave me a pep talk and made me dress up. I had so much makeup on, it felt like a heavy mask on my face, but I couldn’t deny the results. My plain brown eyes looked bright and full of excitement, my cheekbones flush with nervousness.

The guy came and picked me up from our small apartment. He was hot and charming, and being a hockey player added so many more bonus points to the encounter.

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