Page 56 of His to Protect

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Once I cross the helipad, I feel Caleb ram into me and I cry out and lose my balance. Stumbling forward, I hit the ground hard and scrape my palms and knees all up. Somehow, I manage to hold onto the hammer, though. My knuckles are white, my grip like glue, and I know it’s my last shot to do some damage. Ignoring the stinging scrapes, I’m shoving up to my feet when Caleb grabs my hair again and hauls me forward. Crying out, my feet drag along the pavement, and I twist my body, trying to swing the hammer and make contact with his side. I’m fighting him hard, but to no avail. He’s so much stronger and his absolute fury just gives him more strength.

Caleb pushes me against the edge and my gut slams into it with an oomph, knocking all the breath from my lungs. Then he grabs my wrist, holding it out over empty air and shakes it so hard that I release the hammer with a yelp, scared he just broke bones.

As the hammer plummets to the ground below, I hope no one is walking by on the sidewalk. It’s going to do some serious damage when it lands.

“You had your chance, Hannah, but you fucked up. And, if I can’t have you then no one will.”

Suddenly, he grabs me and lifts me right up off my feet. My hands claw onto him, refusing to let go, and I manage to dig my fingers into his forearms and hook an ankle around his leg. As I tilt backwards, holding on for dear life and looking up at the sky, a scream tears from my mouth.

My last thought is of Vin and how much I regret not telling him that I love him.



Stalking back and forth outside of Durant’s office building, I wonder if my gut was wrong? I’ve circled the building three times and all the doors are locked. There are no security guards roaming around either because I keep looking, wanting to flag one down and let me inside. The whole situation is beyond strange.

Frustrated, I rake a hand through my disheveled hair and wonder what to do next. I hate that I feel so out of control. Are we out of leads already? Just as I’m debating whether or not to leave, my phone rings.

“Tell me something good,” I say in answer and quickly realize I’m on a three-way call with Miceli and Enzo.

“The neighbor was right,” Miceli states. “CCTV footage caught Caleb forcing Hannah into his car and taking her to his office.”

“I saw the whole thing,” Enzo adds. “Where are you?”

“I’m at the office, but—” I step back and look up, trying to see some sign of life. “It’s locked up and dark. I can’t get inside.”

“They’re there,” Enzo states, voice firm. “You need to get inside. Hang on, bro. I got an idea.”

Enzo goes silent and I wonder what he’s cooking up. While my older brother is very perceptive, my younger brother is extremely resourceful.

I’m still looking up when, all of a sudden, I see something falling through the sky. What the hell is that? I wonder. Squinting, I jump back out of the way and the next second a hammer lands on the sidewalk, cracking th pavement where it hit into a million little pieces and shooting chunks of concrete up. Several pieces hit my leg and I frown at the sting.

“Holy fuck!” I exclaim. Moving back, I try to get a better view of the roof when I hear a scream pierce the air. My heart sinks, but instant relief fills me. Hannah is alive and she’s close. “She’s here. On the roof.”

“Get to her, Vin,” Miceli growls.

I make a frustrated sound and hurry over to the main entrance again. “Maybe I could break the glass, but if he has the elevators on lockdown…if she’s trapped up there…fuck. I’ll never make it in time.”

Enzo jumps back on the line. “Angelo is up in his helo and now he’s on his way to you, Vin. He’s going to fly you up to the roof. There’s a helipad up there. Be ready.”

Oh, thank Christ. “ETA?” I ask, my nerves in knots.

“Three minutes.”

Hang in there, Hannah. I’m coming.

Heart in my throat, I pray that’s enough time. Just outsmart him a little longer, baby. Please. I can’t lose you. Not when I need to pull you into my arms and tell you how damn much I love you.

Waiting for Angelo and worrying about Hannah makes the next three minutes the longest ones of my life. I’m about to lose my damn mind when I finally see the helicopter approaching. It wouldn’t draw any special attention because lots of helos fly all around the city at all hours of the day and night. If you can afford it, it’s a much easier and faster way to travel and sure beats sitting in traffic.

Angelo expertly lands in the middle of the damn street and, luckily, we’re not in the middle of the main streets in the busy downtown district. It’s much quieter by the docks, especially right now when no one is working. Otherwise, I would’ve had to play traffic cop and that might’ve gotten dangerous. A few cars drive past, eyes wide, as I run toward the helicopter and jump inside. I’m barely in and it’s already lifting, the rotors loudly whomp-whomp-whomping. My brother gives me a salute and up we go.

Fuck, I hate heights. But, for Hannah, I’d do anything. Even if it means facing my biggest fear.

I don’t bother to close the door and I hang on tightly, watching as the ground gets further and further away. Hang in there, Angioletto. I’m coming. As we up, passing office windows, Angelo slips me a Glock 19 which I tuck in the back of my waistband. Hopefully, I won’t need it, but it’s better to be prepared than sorry.

I think Angelo missed his calling as a military pilot. He’s amazingly skilled and calm behind the controls. One moment we’re heading up and the next, Ang is lowering the helo down on the large H on top of the building.

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