Page 57 of His to Protect

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I instantly spot my woman. She’s bent over the edge of the building, hanging on for dear life, and fighting off that bastard Caleb Durant. Without waiting for the helicopter’s skids to touch, I suck in a deep breath then leap out of the open door and land in a squat. Popping up, I race forward, hellbent on saving Hannah from that asshole.

The noise of the helicopter landing has already alerted Caleb to our presence—it’s not like there was any quiet or sneaky way we could’ve pulled off a helo rescue—and he pulls Hannah back onto the rooftop and spins, eyeing me with such hatred it’s palpable.

“Let her go!” I yell above the rumble of machinery and the helo’s rotors. Hannah slumps in relief, but we’re not out of this yet. My gaze locks onto hers and I telepathically tell her to drop, to get out of the way. At the same time she falls down, I yank the gun out and point it at Caleb. “It’s over, Durant! Give it up!”

I spot his gun on the ground which he must’ve dropped earlier and kick it away, making sure it stays far out of his grasp. Time to end this.

I motion for Hannah and, the moment she starts crawling towards me, Caleb grabs her again, yanking her up in front of him and using her as a goddamn shield. Fury fills me and I hesitate, watching in horror as he takes a step back. Everything in me goes numb as he lifts Hannah off her feet and it’s clear he has every intention of tossing her over the side.

No fucking way.

“Don’t move!” I yell, warning him, but he’s lost it. Instead of heeding my warning, Caleb turns, lifting Hannah higher, and I don’t have a clear shot. I won’t risk hitting Hannah. I also won’t stand here and watch Caleb toss her to her death.

Thinking fast, I race forward, lower my pistol and shoot at his leg. POP! With a scream, Caleb drops and Hannah twists away, finally breaking free. She turns and runs to me, and I catch her in my left arm, my right one still holding the weapon on Caleb. It’s hard to tell what damage I caused, but I don’t think it’s much more than a graze. Just enough to slow him down.

“Get in the helicopter,” I say, pressing a quick kiss to her temple. “Go!”

Hannah does exactly as I ask. Good girl. Turning my full attention back to Caleb, thankful that Hannah is now going to be safe with Angelo, I stalk forward, ready to deal with this bastard once and for all.

Even though my gun is still trained on him, Caleb Durant is unhinged and desperate. Without warning, he launches himself at me and we go flying backwards. I hit the ground with a thud and the gun goes flying out of my grip. Caleb and I roll around, throwing punches, practically recreating the scene at the restaurant. But, instead of moving further away from the building’s edge, we roll right up to it.

The asshole is furious and hopeless which makes him more dangerous than ever before. Stronger, too. We scramble up and he grabs hold of my shirt and shoves my back against the ledge. My balance wobbles and I feel my entire body tilting backwards, right over the side. The sky flashes above and I grab onto him tightly, panicking. Fuck, I hate heights.

I can’t let go or I’ll be the one falling to my death.

Then everything happens so fast it’s a blur. I hear Hannah scream my name, followed by the pounding of feet. A gun fires and, right before Caleb can shove me over the side, his eyes go wide in shock. Blood leaks from the corner of his mouth and his eyes roll back in his head. His body begins to fall forward and that’s not good. Right before he can slam into me and send us both tumbling out into nothingness, I shove my hands against his chest, pushing him to the side and rolling in the opposite direction. I drop out of the way in the nick of time as Caleb goes tumbling forward, arms windmilling, and his scream of denial pierces the air making my skin crawl. And then he’s gone.


I spin around and stagger into Hannah’s open arms. For a long moment, we hold onto each other, the wind whipping hard around us. A sense of relief floods through me. We’re safe. It’s over.

“Are you okay?” I ask, pulling back and looking her over. “Did he hurt you?”

“I’m fine. What about you?”

“I’m okay, if you’re okay, Angioletto.” I press a kiss to her lips, savoring her taste and warmth. So damn grateful that we’re both alive. I’m never letting this woman go. Not ever again.

Behind us, Angelo clears his throat. “Time to go, lovebirds. The police are going to show up soon and I don’t want to be here when they do.”

I turn to my brother. “Thank you, Angelo. For everything.”

“Any time, bro. But let’s hustle.”

“Miceli will take care of everything,” I assure him.

“As he always does. And, thank God for that. I’m far too young and too good-looking to be rotting away in some jail cell.”

Hannah’s arms are wrapped around my waist and a hint of a smile plays at her lips. Together, we walk back to the helicopter.

“Everything that happened up here was self-defense,” I say and he nods.

“Durant lost his damn mind,” Angelo says.

“He wanted power,” Hannah tells us. “He talked about joining the Five Families and destroying the Rossi family.”

I snort then help Hannah up into the helo. “Never would’ve happened.” Once we’re situated, we put our headphones on and Hannah continues to tell us what happened between her and Durant. Even though he’s dead and will never be a problem again, anger fills me. If I could kill him all over again, I would. And, this time, I’d be the one to put the bullet in him.

“He wanted access to your files,” Hannah continues. “He said he was going to take control of Rossi Vineyard, that he was buying up stock under various companies, and then he was going to destroy the entire thing.”

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