Page 49 of His to Protect

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Vin protected me and now I’m going to protect him.

“I don’t have any access to his computer or files,” I lie. I don’t know if he’s going to believe me or not because the truth is I have all of Vin’s passwords. I’m his executive assistant and I’m privy to every last detail. We work together and he trusts me. And that’s exactly why I refuse to tell Caleb anything. Not one single word. I won’t break that trust.

“Again, think about it very carefully before making a final decision on where your loyalties lie, my lovely. Because if you give me the wrong answer, there will be consequences. I’m a very powerful man, Hannah, but my patience with you is extremely thin right now. Don’t try me.”

Swallowing hard, I focus my attention out the window next to me and wonder where we’re headed. And how exactly I’m going to escape.



After the meeting with the Five Families, I just want to go back to my apartment, shut myself in and nurse my hangover. Of course, I also want to have a pity party for myself. The thought of numbing my wounds with more alcohol briefly crosses my mind, but I’m still too hungover to even consider drinking any more alcohol right now.

My brothers, however, have a different plan. After Carlotta takes off, saying she’s meeting Alessia and they have things to do, Miceli, Enzo and Angelo drag me out to a nearby cafe and make me rehydrate with a sports drink and a plate of greasy bacon and some hash browns. It actually tastes damn good and I devour it. After eating, my stomach feels much better.

“So, what’s your plan?” Enzo asks me.

“What do you mean?” I finish off the electrolyte water.

“He means are you going to get your shit together and go talk to Hannah or are you going to avoid the situation like a pussy?” Miceli clarifies.

Miceli makes it sound so easy, but facing my feelings for Hannah is anything but simple.

“It’s not complicated,” Angelo adds, as though reading my mind. “If you like her, make her your girl.”

I roll my eyes because Ang has no idea what it’s like to fall for a woman. To want her so badly that you physically ache when she isn’t near. To think about her constantly when you’re awake and dream about her when you’re asleep. To yearn to touch her and hold her and give her everything her heart desires.

Yeah, my little brother, the player extraordinaire, has no clue. I can’t wait for the day he meets his match. I predict he will not handle it well and I’m going to be highly amused and offer him his stupid advice right back—“It’s not complicated. If you like her, make her your girl.”

“I think it’s more than like at this point, Ang,” Enzo says then turns his full attention on me. “C’mon, Vin, If you can’t man-up and admit your true feelings—that you love this woman and want her in your life—then you’re going to lose her.”

“It’s so damn easy for you guys to give me advice, but you have no idea how hard this is for me.” Dammit, I hate being vulnerable and that’s the exact position I’m finding myself in.

“Because of Cynda?” Miceli asks, hitting the nail on the head. Again, he’s too damn perceptive because as close as I am to my brothers, I never told them the dirty details of what exactly happened with her. Only that she cheated and I caught her.

Letting out a pent-up breath, I force a nod.

“Did you even love her?” Enzo asks.

I think over his question, a little surprised by it, but not exactly sure how to answer. “We were engaged.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

It’s at that exact moment, an epiphany hits me hard and out of the blue. When I compare how I feel about Hannah to how I felt when I was with Cynda…well, there is no comparison. It’s completely different. Like comparing rotten apples to juicy oranges.

“I know I never shared the full story of what happened,” I say slowly, “but, at the time, all I wanted to do was forget about her. The short of it is I walked into her fucking Allan Meridian up against the wall in the coat closet at a charity gala, and she didn’t show an ounce of regret. Instead, she had the audacity to look me right in the eyes then smile right before she came.”

Sympathetic curses fill the air.

“I thought she broke my heart, but now with hindsight, I know it was my trust. Because after what you just asked me, Enzo, I don’t think I ever loved Cynda. At least not like I love Hannah.”

There. I’d said it. I’d admitted my true feelings and it was a relief. It felt like a dam just broke and, instead of water, love began filling my heart. My brothers lit up like the Fourth of July and whooped it up.

“I knew it!” Enzo announces and slaps me on the back.

“I’m happy for you, bro,” Miceli says, grinning widely.

“Yeah, same,” Angelo adds. “Don’t forget who your favorite brother is when you’re choosing your best man.”

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