Page 48 of His to Protect

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I swipe a hand over my drippy nose. “It’s just…” I sniff. “It was always just me and my mom. After she passed away, I’ve been all alone. At least until Vin. And now…well, you two almost feel like sisters.”

“Aww!” They pull me into another big hug.

“I’d love to be your sister,” Carlotta says.

“Me, too,” Alessia adds.

“I’d like that,” I say softly.

“Okay, you love my brother, so go get him. Make his stubborn ass see that you’re his perfect person and he doesn’t need to be scared because you won’t hurt him like Cynda did.”

“I’ll talk to him,” I promise, “and do my best to make him see that I would never betray or hurt him in any way.”

We end up talking a little longer and then the women give me another huge hug and finally leave, allowing me to get ready and go see Vin. But, I’m not quite ready yet. With all of their words swirling around in my head, I can’t deny that I’m hopeful. But the fear that he will reject me again is still strong and worries me. Tremendously.

After a shower, I get dressed, apply some quick makeup and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I don’t want to spend a long time on how I look because this is who I am, take me or leave me.

And, I sincerely hope Vin will take me as I am. Messy, unglamorous and unsophisticated me who will love him fiercely. Fiercely and forever.

When I can’t put it off any longer, I grab my phone and purse, then head out. Once I reach the lobby, I’m not expecting to see Caleb striding into my building. Dammit, the lock is still broken on the front door allowing him to waltz right in like he owns the place.

“Hello, sweet Hannah,” he says, eyeing me up and down. My skin crawls in response.

“What’re you doing here?” I ask, beyond frustrated, immediately noticing the bruises on his face from Vin’s well-aimed punches. Inwardly, I smile.

Outwardly, though, I’m pissed. Why won’t he leave me alone? Can’t he see I’m not interested? What’s it going to take to get rid of him once and for all?

“I’m sorry about how the evening went the other night and I’d like to reschedule.”

“No,” I say in a firm tone. I’m tired of playing this man’s games and I won’t let him walk all over me and threaten to hurt the Rossi family. Carlotta and Alessia’s visit reminds me to be strong and to stand up for myself. I have people in my corner now. I’m not alone any longer and I’m not going to allow this snake to manipulate me any further.

“We have a date to finish,” he hisses, those dark eyes narrowing dangerously.

“I never wanted to go out with you. You blackmailed me, but no more. The Rossi family has my back.” I stand up straighter, refusing to back down or give in to him. “I’m not afraid of you.”

He reaches me quicker than I imagined possible, grabs my arm and twists it hard. I yelp, but he doesn’t loosen his vicious hold. “You should be afraid, Hannah,” he hisses in my ear, reminding me more than ever of a snake. “You should be very afraid.”

I whimper when he squeezes hard then yanks me toward the door. While we’re walking out, I try to twist away, but it’s impossible. As the door shuts with finality behind me, I swear I get a glimpse of Liza Dixon, hovering in the stairwell, watching.

Or, maybe that was wishful thinking and I just imagined it.

“Why don’t you leave me alone? Can’t you see I don’t want to be with you? I love another man.”

Caleb abruptly stops walking and glares daggers at me. “That will change. You’re going to be with me now.”

“No!” I cry, pulling and fighting. In the scuffle, my phone goes flying out of my hand and hits the pavement hard. Caleb kicks it aside, sending it clattering into the bushes, and I pull harder, trying to wrench free. But he’s too strong and I find myself shoved into his blasted BMW again. The locks immediately click and I curse under my breath. Oh, God, how do I always get manhandled into these situations? After Caleb slides into the driver’s seat, starting the car, I send him a deadly glare.

“I don’t understand why you’re fighting to be with a man who doesn’t want you, Hannah. Can you explain that to me?”

His words sting and I press my lips together. Maybe that’s true. But, I love Vin and after talking to his sister and Alessia, I can’t give up on him. On us. At least not before telling him how I feel. Because, yeah, I’m ready to fight for our love.

As we drive away, to God only knows where, Caleb says, “I want access to Vin’s computer files and I know you can get me in his system.”

Alarm bells start clanging in my head. This is why Caleb is so determined to have me. It’s not really me he wants, it’s my access to Vin’s business information. But why? I wonder. What is he planning?

“Think long and hard before you make a final decision,” Caleb warns me.

But I already know that I would never turn on Vin and hand private company information or financials over to his rival. The last thing I’d ever want to do is possibly help destroy his business and hurt his family. He’s been betrayed before and I’ll have no part of it happening again.

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