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I couldn't help but laugh, shaking my head at his antics. "Does that mean you're Doc or Grumpy?"

Tyler pretended to ponder the question, stroking an imaginary beard. "Hmm, I'd like to think I'm more of a Happy, but with a dash of Sneezy thrown in for good measure."

"Sneezy?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know, because of my killer allergies in the spring. It's awful—itchy eyes and all." He mimed a dramatic sneeze, nearly dropping his shovel in the process.

I chuckled and climbed over a large rock in the path. "Well, I guess that makes me Bashful, then."

Tyler snorted, his laughter echoing off the rocky cliffs. "Bashful? Please, Ronan. You're more like a cross between Prince Charming and the Evil Queen."

"The Evil Queen?" I gasped and held a hand to my chest in mock offense. "I'll have you know I'm a benevolent ruler, loved by all my subjects. I know better than to be obsessed with who looks best, too."

"Oh, I'm sure," Tyler teased. "Just don't go offering me any poisoned apples, okay?"

We bantered back and forth as we climbed over the boulders, our good-natured laughter mingling with the crashing of the waves and the cries of the seagulls overhead. The physical exertion of the hike, combined with the lighthearted conversation, helped to ease the tension inside me. My shoulders relaxed, and I was ready to finish our grand hunt to uncover whatever Great-Uncle Ian left for me.

As we neared the cove, the terrain grew more challenging, the rocks sharper and more jagged. I found myself having to concentrate on each step, carefully navigating the slippery surfaces. My shovel and backpack occasionally threw me off balance.

"You know," Tyler panted, pausing to wipe the sweat from his brow, "if this whole treasure-hunting thing doesn't pan out, we can always audition for American Ninja Warrior. When we're finished here, we'll be obstacle course experts."

I laughed, the sound coming out as more of a wheeze as I tried to catch my breath. "I don't know. This morning's hike might be all that I need of that kind of challenge."

"Aw, come on," he grinned at me over his shoulder. "Where's your sense of adventure?"

"I think I left it back in your car with the donuts," I grumbled, nearly losing my footing on a particularly treacherous rock.

Tyler reached back, and he helped steady me before I could stumble. "Easy there, Prince Charming. Can't have you swooning before we even reach the cove."

I rolled my eyes, but a warm sensation spread through my chest as he offered his assistance and showed his concern for my well-being. "My hero," I declared, batting my eyelashes at him.

He chuckled, letting his hand linger on my arm for a moment before turning back to the path. "Just call me Sir Tyler, brave knight and protector of clumsy CEOs."

The playful banter flowed easily between us, and it helped distract me from concentrating on the burning in my leg muscles and my fear of sliding off the edge of a slippery boulder. And when we finally reached the cove, my gratitude for Tyler surged. I loved the laughter and light he brought to even the most daunting of tasks.

"Well, Sir Tyler, shall we see what treasures await us in yonder cove?"

He grinned, reaching for my hand and squeezing it tightly. "Lead the way, Prince Charming. Your faithful knight is always at your side."

As we stepped onto the sandy beach, I knew we had real work to do. The lighthearted quips faded, replaced by focused determination. We were at the cove for a reason, and it wasn't for my amusement. We were on a mission to follow in the footsteps of a man who had left us a trail of breadcrumbs, leading us to a secret only he knew.

With a nod of silent agreement, we set to work, our shovels digging into the soft sand. The sun climbed higher in the sky, its rays beating down on our backs as we labored, the sweat trickling down our faces and soaking through our shirts.

"Ever wonder what it feels like to work on a road crew?" Tyler asked as he dramatically peeled off his shirt. I bit my lip. When he dug and flexed his muscles, the sun reflected off his sweat-slicked skin.

At first, we worked in a grid pattern, systematically covering the area where we'd seen the mysterious light. We sifted each shovelful of sand carefully, looking for any sign of a clue. It was tedious work, the kind that could easily wear down one's resolve, but we persisted, driven by the knowledge that we were close, so close to the answers we sought.

As the minutes stretched into hours, I found myself stealing glances at Tyler, marveling at the determination etched into the lines of his face. He set his jaw, and his brow furrowed in concentration as he worked, his muscles straining. The raw power in his intensity took my breath away.

We paused only briefly, to gulp down water from bottles in our backpacks and wipe the sweat from our eyes. We didn't say much, reserving our energy, both mental and physical, for the task at hand.

The sun was high overhead, the summer heat oppressive, when Tyler suddenly let out a shout, his voice raw with excitement. "Ronan! Over here!"

I was at his side in an instant, my heart pounding as I peered into the hole he'd dug. There, nestled in the damp sand, was the shine of a piece of metal, a promise of something hidden, something precious.

Together, we dropped to our knees and scrabbled at the sand with our hands. It didn't take long for us to dig the object out of its resting place. It was a box, small and weathered, with a surface pitted and scarred by the ravages of time. My hands trembled as I lifted it out of the hole.

It took some effort to open the lid. The old hinges were rusty, and they protested with a loud creaking noise. Inside, nestled on a bed of faded silk, was a key and a sheaf of papers, yellowed with age but still legible.

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