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I poured every unspoken word, every ounce of love and longing, into that single moment. When we finally broke apart, breathless and trembling, I had to blink back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Goodnight, Tyler," Ronan whispered.

"Goodnight," I managed. "See you in the morning."

As I watched him disappear into the hotel, a part of me wanted to call out, beg him to stay, and implore him to choose me over everything else. Instead, I remained silent, my heart full of both excitement and trepidation for what the future might hold.

Chapter fifteen


It was nearly impossible to sleep. My mind refused to shut down as visions of digging in the sand at the cove bounced around inside my head. Three different times, I got out of bed, turned the TV on, and stared at the screen without comprehending what I was watching. Finally, I woke just before the first rays of dawn appeared and decided it was time to stay awake.

Hopping in the shower, I thought back over everything that had happened since I arrived in Blue Harbor. I wasn't the same person as when I arrived. The new Ronan had faith that true love was possible based on the experiences with Tyler, and I was starting to have questions about my work.

What really did drive me out in California? Was it an interest in high tech algorithms, or was it the spirit of adventure itself that came with challenges and new discoveries?

I pulled on a pair of khaki shorts and a lightweight moisture-wicking traveler's shirt to prepare for the work in the cove. I knew I was hours ahead of our planned meeting time, but I left the hotel anyway and inhaled the fresh air as I strolled through Lakeshore Park. We'd agreed to meet at the marina instead of Tyler picking me up. I knew it would be a pleasant morning, and it was a relatively short walk.

The marina was quiet when I arrived. The only sounds I heard came from the gentle waves lapping at the hulls of sleepy boats and the caws of seagulls out looking for easy early catches.

I jumped when I heard a familiar voice. "You couldn't sleep either."

Tyler was leaning against his car with a mischievous grin on his face. As I approached, he held up two thermoses and a pink and orange box.

"I come bearing gifts," he announced. His voice was bright and chipper, far more wide awake than me. "Breakfast of champions, courtesy of our local purveyor of fine cuisine: Dunkin' Donuts."

I raised an eyebrow, eyeing the box with mock suspicion. "Dunkin' Donuts? You're spoiling me. I never knew you were a man of such refined tastes."

Tyler laughed, the sound echoing out over the boats tied to the docks. "Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it. Hot coffee and cake donuts got me through many early morning practices in high school. Don't tell Mom."

He opened the box, revealing a dozen assorted donuts, glistening with various frostings and glazes in the early morning light. The sweet scent of sugar and fried dough wafted up to my nose, mingling with the rich aroma of coffee from the thermos. "It's not The Crafted Crumb, but it smells suspiciously delicious."

As we settled on a bench overlooking Lake Michigan, Tyler asked, "Don't you have Dunkin' out in the Bay Area?"

"We do, but at work, if it's over 100 calories or doesn't have sliced avocado, it's a crime against nature."

Tyler chuckled. "What they don't know about your experiences here won't hurt them. Indulge."

"I don't know," I teased, reaching for a chocolate-frosted donut. "I'm not sure my delicate palate can handle such pedestrian fare."

Tyler snorted, snagging a jelly-filled donut for himself. "Oh, please. Mr. Big-Shot CEO can't handle a little processed sugar? I thought you were made of tougher stock than that."

I took a bite, and the sweet, slightly stale pastry melted on my tongue. It was a far cry from the artisanal croissants and hand-crafted muffins Rafe offered, but there was something comforting about it. Maybe it was the company.

"Mmm," I mumbled around the mouthful of donut. "I stand corrected. This is haute cuisine at its finest." I immediately chased it down with a mouthful of coffee.

Tyler grinned, wiping a smear of jelly from the corner of his mouth. "Told you so. It's so much better than the kale and quinoa muffins they probably serve you at your board meetings."

I laughed, nearly choking on my donut. "Hey, don't talk smack about kale. It's a superfood, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, sure it is." Tyler waved a dismissive hand. "I'll stick with my sugar and caffeine, thanks. This is the breakfast of true adventurers. I doubt Indiana Jones chowed down on a bowlful of greens."

As we set off toward the cove, wearing backpacks and carrying shovels slung over our shoulders, the rising sun painting the sky in shades of gold and pink, Tyler stopped and turned to face me. "You know what this reminds me of?" he asked, his eyes twinkling.

"I'm no mind reader. What is it?"

"Snow White's seven dwarves, marching off to work in the mines." He began to whistle a tune that sounded suspiciously like "Heigh-Ho." His shovel took the place of a pick-axe.

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