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Pulling Tyler into a tight hug, I savored the warmth of his body against mine. Sniffing the air, I asked, "Did you eat a banana?"

He laughed. "Have one every morning—potassium."

I cupped the back of his head and shared a quick, good-morning kiss. It was a hint of what might come later in the day and a tribute to the game-changing moment we'd experienced at Whispering Bluffs.

"So… where to first?" Tyler asked.

I ran my fingers through my sleep-tousled hair and thought about the options. "It makes sense to me to head to the public library first. We can see if there's anything we can dig up about the cove."

Tyler's smile faded, and he looked serious about the task at hand. "That sounds like a great idea. The librarian was helpful last time. If he can't answer our questions directly, he can probably point us in the right direction."

With our plan sorted, I disappeared into the bathroom. Quickly showering and getting dressed, I fussed over my hair and beard, but I knew Tyler was waiting. When I emerged and we left the hotel room, he took my hand like it was a natural and obvious thing to do.

It was a cool summer morning, and a crisp breeze blowing in off Lake Michigan greeted us. Tyler's stomach growled audibly, and he grinned at me sheepishly. "The banana was all I had. I was in too much of a hurry to come and see you."

"Then we should grab breakfast. The public library won't be open yet anyway."

"How about The Crafted Crumb? It's a bakery and Rafe, the owner, is a good friend. His pastries are quickly becoming legendary. They're edible works of art."

"Deal. I can't wait."

While we strolled down the street hand-in-hand, Blue Harbor began to wake up around us. Store owners flipped their signs to "Open" and the rich aroma of fresh coffee spilled out of cafes as we passed. The peaceful atmosphere of the early morning made us feel like we were the only two people in the world.

The Crafted Crumb lay tucked between a bookstore and a vintage clothing boutique. The bakery wasn't officially open yet, but Tyler texted ahead, and his friends agreed to let us in.

Cinammon, vanilla, and the smell of freshly baked bread filled the air as we stepped inside The display cases were half full of a collection of heavenly pastries from croissants to scones and fruit tarts. It was a happy place, and it made my entire body relax.

A man stood behind the counter wearing a flour-dusted apron and a friendly smile. When he spotted Tyler, a warm smile filled his face. "It's Blue Harbor's hometown baseball coach, and who is the handsome devil you brought with you?"

Tyler grinned and squeezed my hand. "Rafe, meet Ronan. He's my… um, well… he's kind of special to me."

I began to blush while I listened to him try to put a label on our relationship. Being introduced as special with the ghost of the word "boyfriend" hovering in the background was strange in a thoroughly exciting kind of way.

Rafe wiped his hands on the apron and stepped out from behind the counter. "Special, huh? I'd say it's about time you found someone to hold your attention. He's a handsome one."

Tyler let out a warm laugh. "Oh, I can barely look away when he's around, and yeah, isn't he… good-looking I mean." Suddenly, he broke down a bit. "Hell, who am I acting like having a boyfriend is an everyday thing for me. I'm nervous as hell, guys, but Ronan… how am I the lucky guy?"

Rafe ushered us to a small table, and he clapped Tyler on the shoulder. "Hang in there. You know that everybody here is on your side."

While I watched Tyler tremble at the intensity of the moment, unshed tears burned at the corners of my eyes. Suddenly, another man appeared at the perfect time to cut through the intense emotion.

"Tyler! And you must be Ronan. I'm Theo, Rafe's better half."

We all laughed while Rafe rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to him. I'm the one who keeps everything humming along."

Theo stepped up close to Rafe and bumped him with his hip. "We'll all let you believe that, love." Theo returned his attention to us. "So, do tell… how long has this all been going on?"

Tyler and I looked at each other, equally thrown off by the question. "I guess you would say it's all new," I said to take the weight off Tyler. "But it feels incredibly right."

Tyler nodded. "Yeah, right, that's the word for it."

Theo looked at me and then Tyler. "I, for one, think you make an adorable couple. You're perfect choices for the leads in Blue Harbor's latest love story."

While the conversation continued, a warm, fuzzy sensation bubbled up inside my chest. It was impossible to describe how fantastic it felt to be seen as half of a couple with a man like Tyler. I'd always looked at men like him with a kind of distant admiration—laidback, athletic, pillar of his local community. Now, he was up close to me, and he was mine.

Rafe brought us a plate with one of his signature creations, lemon basil blueberry muffins, and Theo added mugs of coffee. They went back to their preparations for the day while Tyler and I stuffed ourselves full of the delectable treats.

As we said goodbye to Rafe and Theo, their last words stuck in my head. "Don't let this one slip away, Tyler," was Rafe's piece of advice. He turned to me and added a wink. "And Ronan, make sure he treats you right."

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