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When we returned to the sidewalk outside of The Crafted Crumb, Tyler suggested we walk to the library and enjoy more of the beautiful weather. I readily agreed since it meant we got to spend more time one-on-one, enjoying each other's company.

Tyler took my hand again as we strolled along the street. Planters provide by the town of Blue Harbor lined the streets and overflowed with blooming flowers. The chirping of birds waking up filled the air, and I listened to snippets of conversation from people beginning to populate downtown.

As we turned the corner three blocks from the public library, a voice called out. "Tyler? Is that you?"

We paused while a woman waved at us from across the street. She had long, black hair and her smile lit up her entire face.

"Amelia!" called Tyler. "It's been ages since I've last seen you."

She hurried across the street and wrapped him up in a warm hug. I fought back a few jealous twinges as I watched their easygoing interaction.

Amelia tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I think it was last year's town festival." She stepped back to check Tyler out from head to toe. "You are looking well."

Tyler chuckled and self-consciously rubbed the back of his neck. "You know me, the baseball team keeps me running and in shape. How's your gallery going? Theo says the art business is a little slow so far this summer."

"He would be right about that, except we got a big boost from our recent exhibition. Five local artists, and we still have a lot of their pieces. You should stop in."

"I agree. I should." He turned toward me. "Amelia, I'd like you to meet Ronan. He's a fantastic addition to my life."

I beamed at the introduction.

Amelia raised an eyebrow, and then she smiled. "Fantastic? I won't push on that one, but it is a pleasure to meet you, Ronan." She offered her hand, and I shook it warmly.

"Likewise." I was happy to see her friendly response to my introduction.

"What brings the two of you out so early in the morning?" Amelia glanced back and forth between us. "I was stopping in to check on Mom before the workday got rolling."

Tyler glanced at me before he answered the question. "You might say we're sleuthing. Ronan has a bit of a family history mystery to solve in Blue Harbor, and we're heading to the library to do some research."

"That sounds fun. This little town does hold on to its little secrets. I wish you both luck."

Tyler and Amelia chatted for a few minutes, catching up on gossip about mutual friends. I listened closely, trying to soak up every bit of information about Tyler's life in Blue Harbor. To my surprise, I was starting to see myself as part of the small town's story.

After we said goodbye to Amelia and walked another block toward the library, Tyler slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. "I hope you didn't feel too awkward. Amelia and I do go way back. She was in school with me when I moved to Blue Harbor, but we're just friends."

As we entered the Blue Harbor Public Library, the librarian we'd met two days ago looked up from his desk. He smiled when he recognized us. "Hey, guys, are you back to solve more mysteries?"

Tyler chuckled. We approached the desk. "How'd you guess that? We're hunting for information about a cove along the lakeshore."

"Oh, that's right. You are the two who were looking for Whispering Bluffs. Was Jack able to help? And was it all as magical as the stories say?"

I nodded, and the questions took me right back to our adventure there. "We did find it, and Jack knew right where it was. I don't think we ran across anything supernatural, but it is a beautiful place. Now, we want to know more about a perfect little cove we spotted below the bluff. I think it's connected to my Great-Uncle Ian in some way."

Rubbing his chin, the librarian admitted that the cove didn't ring a bell. "Nothing comes to me right away, but I bet we can find something in the local history room. The town histories probably at least mention it. They're pretty good at discussing the physical features of Blue Harbor and its surroundings."

He motioned for us to follow him, and he led the way with a bounce in his step. "I think most people would be surprised at how much history is available on small towns. Blue Harbor has a treasure trove of long-forgotten stories just waiting to be rediscovered."

Tyler's shoulder brushed mine as we followed a few steps behind. He had a question for the librarian. "What made you so interested in local history, if you don't mind me asking?"

When we entered a room full of old oversized books lining the walls, the librarian grinned. His eyes sparkled as he told us more of his story. "I think I took an unusual route to end up here. I started working at a big city library branch right after I received my Master's degree. It was great, but there was something missing… at least for me."

He paused and ran his fingers along the spines of some of the books until he found one that he pulled from the shelf. "One of my friends shared the ad for this position in Blue Harbor and suggested it might be a good change of pace for me."

"And did it work out like that?" I asked.

He opened a thick volume on a table in the center of the room. "I'd say it did. So much of the historical information in a town like Blue Harbor is left untouched because researchers are focused on the cities. I think that makes what's here even more interesting, and it's exciting every time people like the two of you stop in to investigate this town's rich past. One of my ongoing projects is making sure all the local material we have is properly cataloged and maintained."

Tyler spoke up. "That's incredibly awesome. Did I mention I teach history at the high school. Maybe we can get together sometime and come up with a project for the students. It would add a different angle to our study of American History. As it is, we barely touch on anything about the Great Lakes or the Northwoods."

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