Page 39 of Filthy Liar

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As the afternoon wears on, my mother’s shoulders start to droop and her smiles aren't as wide, and I know it's time to leave.

I stand from my chair, dusting as many wayward dog hairs free as I can before turning to my wife. "We should go."

Valerie glances my way. "Oh." She sits straighter. "Okay."

Before she can stand up, my mother reaches out to take her hand. "Will you be coming with Fynn for his daily visits?"

I nearly groan because obviously my mother and Arny are playing for the same team, and their sole purpose is to make Valerie regret her recent life choices.

But Valerie seems unfazed by the news that I spend my afternoons with my mother. Her smile is genuine as she nods and offers, "I would love that."

My mother smiles back, giving her hand a squeeze. "I would too."

After a round of hugs and promises to visit tomorrow, we’re finally on our way back to my apartment. Valerie sits quietly in the passenger’s seat of my car, lost in thought as she stares out the window.

"I apologize for..." So many things. "The dogs."

Valerie's eyes come my way. "Why?"

"They knocked you down." I motion at her gown as I pull into the underground parking garage of my building. "And crawled all over your wedding dress."

She snorts out a little laugh. "I'm the one who got down on the floor." She pinches at the lacey, knee length skirt. "I'm starting to realize I might not have much respect for wedding dresses."

She sounds more thoughtful than distressed, but I still offer, "I'll send it out for dry cleaning in the morning. If anything needs mending I’ll make sure they take care of that too. It will be good as new when we get it back."

She gives me another of her soft smiles. "That's very nice of you."

I pull into my designated parking spot and turn to her, both surprised and dismayed by her comment. "Sending your gown for dry cleaning is nice of me?" I look at my new wife over. "What sort of men have you been spending time with, Love?" I know her ex-fiancé cheated, but this is beyond that. This is about common courtesy.

Valerie's nose wrinkles as her lips twist to one side. "Shitty ones."

I don't like the thought of her being around men who've set the bar so low she believes dry cleaning makes me a good person. "Then I'm going to need you to raise your standards. I don't necessarily enjoy looking good because you're comparing me to absolute shit men."

Valerie laughs, the sound short and sharp as it jumps from between her lips. "Oh, there's no comparison."

I lean to trace one finger along the line of her jaw, because she’s so soft and touchable. "That's better." I press a quick kiss to her lips before opening my door and climbing out, rounding the back of the car to discover she's already exiting. I frown, taking her hand in mine, leading her through the cavernous, concrete space. "For future reference, I will be getting your door from now on."

She lifts her dark brows at me. "Because an adoring husband would never let his wife open her own car door?"

"No." I open the door leading to the building, resting one palm on her back as I urge her in before me. "Because I'm a gentleman, remember?" Punching the button to the lift I turn to her. "And gentlemen open doors for ladies."

Valerie's lower lip pinches between her teeth. "There was another reason you said you were a gentleman."

I remember well, but I want to clear up any misconceptions she might be having, so I step closer, lowering my voice so the security guard at the desk can't hear us. "Gentlemen might not fuck women the night they meet them, but they absolutely fuck their wives."

Valerie's lids droop as she looks at me the same way she did earlier today in the restaurant and it has me dragging her into the lift the second the doors open. I punch the button to close them, barely waiting until they’re sealed before pressing her soft body against the wall with mine, sealing my mouth over hers. She's been a fucking angel today, and I want to reward her. She couldn't have been more perfect with my mother and I want her to know how much I appreciate it.

I also want to fuck my new wife. Desperately.

When the doors open on my floor, my cock is hard and straining against my trousers, and Valerie is breathing heavy, her skin flushed a pretty pink. Before she can move, I scoop her up, carrying her to my door, where I punch in the keycode and fling it open, bringing my bride across the threshold.

Then I stop short, frozen for a second as the heavy door closes behind us.

A strange man sits on my sofa, arms stretched across the back.

I drop Valerie to her feet, immediately sweeping her behind me, blocking her body with mine. "The fuck are you?"

The man smiles, his expression sinister in the shadows. "Who I am doesn't matter."

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