Page 38 of Filthy Liar

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Valerie slips a hand into his, but instead of shaking it, Nicholas sandwiches his free palm on top of hers, clasping it gently. "I'm Valerie."

"Valerie." Nicholas pats her hand. "A lovely name for a lovely girl."

Valerie’s fair skin flushes the tiniest bit at the compliment. "Thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for." My mother's butler pats her hand again, the gesture tender and affectionate. "I'm Nicholas. I've worked for this one’s mum for nearly twenty years."

As if they've only just noticed our arrival, my mother's pack starts to bark, feeding off each other until nearly every one of her dogs is yapping.

Valerie's eyes widen and she leans around Nicholas to take in the collection of adopted canines. "Oh my gosh." She drags her hand from between his, acting as if neither of us exists as she rushes to the center of the room and crouches down. The sound of toenails and paws hitting the hardwood is immediate and she starts laughing as each one of the damn dogs comes at her, tails wagging as they clamor for her attention.

I shake my head. "It's like they've never seen another person before."

Nicholas watches the scene as Valerie tips to one side, landing on her butt and smoothing out her dress before going back to passing out pets and coos. "You know what they say about animals being a good judge of character." He pats me on the shoulder. "Congratulations, my boy."

My eyes bounce from Valerie to his face, arriving just in time to catch his pointed look at the ring on my finger.

I rake my ring hand through my hair. "We should probably say our goodbyes, because I believe she might kill me."

Nicholas’s expression turns oddly thoughtful. "You might be surprised."

His eyes leave me to lock onto the hallway and he rushes away. I don't have to look to know my mother is coming. Nicholas has been dedicated to her in a way I appreciate more than he will ever know. Shouldering the burden of her illness alone would have been nearly unbearable. Knowing he's here eases a little of my worry and guilt over the fact I can't be with her around the clock.

"My son." My mother greets me the way she always does, arms outstretched as she comes to grab me in a tight hug. "You look exceptionally handsome today." She leans back, looking over my suit. "What are you so dressed up for?"

I open my mouth, not really sure what I'm going to say, but before I can offer any sort of explanation, a yelp drags our attention to the center of the room. Niles, the largest of my mother's rescues, has managed to tip Valerie over, and is attempting to lick her entire face as she squeals and blocks his affection, laughing like somewhat of a lunatic in spite of her predicament.

My mother's head bobs back and one hand comes to her chest, pressing against the caftan printed with the adorable face of the monster in question. "Oh." She blinks, staring a second longer before recovering from the shock of seeing a strange woman sprawled across her sitting room floor. "Niles. Stop that. Leave that darling girl alone." She hurries over, waving her hands at her menagerie, shooing them away from my new wife.

Her new daughter-in-law.

Valerie wiggles her way up to a sitting position, smoothing one hand over her hair and down her dress as she sees my mother coming her way. "Oh no." In a less than graceful move, she manages to get up from the floor, the high heels strapped to her feet making the motion a difficult one. When she's finally upright, a tight smile freezes on her face. "I'm so sorry. I just love dogs, and I saw them, and—"

My mother shakes her head. "You don't ever have to apologize to me for loving dogs." She makes a sweeping gesture at the furry bodies still circled around. "Obviously it’s a love we share." Her hands come out, and Valerie reaches one forward, clearly expecting the same sort of shake Nicholas offered.

Little does she know.

My mother ignores her outstretched hand and grips her in the same sort of tight hug she offers me. "Welcome."

Valerie meets my eyes over my mother’s shoulder as she tentatively hugs her back, relaxing a little more with each passing second. On the count of five her eyes close and her lips curve, lifting at the corners into a hint of a smile.

My mother is well known in her social circle for the quality of her hugs. There's something about them that no one I've ever met can match. It's as if she magically channels love and affection and acceptance into each embrace.

It is a wonderful feeling, but not everyone appreciates it, so when I see Valerie's expression suddenly start to change, I take a step forward, moving faster as a single tear slips down her cheek.

"Mother. I think you're smothering her."

Valerie sucks in a breath, her eyes flying open as she shakes her head at me. "No. She's not." She gives a little sniff as my mother finally releases her, swiping at her cheek before using the same hand to smooth down her hair once more. "Hi. I'm Valerie."

I decide now is as good a time as any to rip off the proverbial Band-Aid. "My wife."

Valerie goes pale, smile freezing on her face as she stares at my mother. The silence in the room draws out as I wait for my mother’s reaction to this news.

After a few heartbeats, my mother smiles at Valerie, moving close to hook an arm around her waist as she turns to Nicholas. "I believe this calls for celebration. Could you get us some champagne please?" Her sweet smile holds as one hand flicks my way. "None for him. He's in trouble."

The next hour is filled with my mother and Valerie talking, discussing everything from fashion to dogs to their shared love of blue cheese. I sit in an armchair with Geoffrey, since he's the only one not currently pissed at me.

Or trying to make a good impression on my mother.

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