Page 18 of Filthy Liar

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I tease her with a light touch, fully intending to drag this out for my own benefit, but before I realize what's happening, Val is shuddering against me, coming undone in my arms, her slippery, soft body jerking against my hand.

"Fucking hell, Val." I can't stop myself from sliding away from her clit to sink two fingers into her body, groaning when she clenches around them. "I think you might be the death of me."

She sags back against me, head lolling against my shoulder, expression relaxed. I don't think I've ever seen anything more perfect and it makes me hungry to do it again.

My new goal is to stretch this day out as long as possible. To take as much of her as I can get. I know I told her I was a gentleman, but I think my right to claim that has come and gone considering I'm two fingers deep in her tight cunt on a public beach. Val lets out a contented little sigh as I work my hand free of her body and the confines of her bathing suit bottoms. "How do you feel about the ocean now, Darling?"

Her full lips curve into a little smile as she wiggles around until she's facing me. "I guess it's not so bad."

I lift my brows in mock offense. "Not so bad?" The next wave is a little bigger and pushes my body into hers, pressing those glorious tits against my chest. "I was hoping for something more than not so bad."

She loops both arms around my neck and links her legs at my waist, bringing her body flush against mine. Her relaxed expression tightens as she studies my face. “I didn’t mean—”

I don’t like how worried she got over my teasing. “I was giving you a hard time.”

“Oh.” The word is soft and sweet. “I just don’t want you to think—”

I press a finger to her lips, sealing off the apology trying to come out. “All I think is that we might have to come to the beach again.”

Her mouth presses into a thin line behind my finger before slowly softening into another little smile. “Even though it’s not as big as I expected?”

A loud laugh jumps out of me, tipping my head back as I slowly start making my way back to shore. “Even though.”

Her odd reaction to my gentle tease quelled the desire coursing through my veins, so my earlier fears about sporting wood are no longer relevant. Now my worry lies somewhere else.

Why in the fuck did she not know I wasn’t being serious? We’ve joked before without issue, and her sudden concern she’d offended me has my hackles up. Because it makes me think someone’s tried to make this sweet woman feel responsible for their happiness. Made her feel like she carries the weight of not only her emotions, but everyone else’s too.

And that won’t fucking do.

Maybe I’m only feeling protective of her because she’s the first woman to look at me without disdain in months, but I can’t believe that’s the reason I want to hunt down whoever made her feel this way and ring their fecking necks.

Val makes it through the shallows a little easier with the waves at her back and in short order we reach our towels. She topples to the ground, keeping her feet in the sand. “It’s not as hot when you’re wet.”

I rake one hand through my dripping hair. “I disagree.”

She gives me a sheepish smile and goes to work dusting the sand from her delicate ankles, ignoring my innuendo. “Do you come to the beach a lot?”

“Some.” I settle onto the towel beside her, relaxing back onto my elbows. “London doesn’t have anything like this, so I try to enjoy it when I can.”

Her lips twist to one side. “I’ve always wanted to go to London.”

“Why haven’t you?”

Val’s expression hardened. “I couldn’t really do much traveling before.”

“That’s unfortunate.” I look over the water, relaxing for the first time in forever. “The world is an amazing place.” I turn to look at the woman next to me, much preferring the change in view. “Is that what made you choose to come to Sweet Side? It is a good place to begin your travels.”

“No.” One hand swipes at the bits of hair that have fallen from the knot wrapped at the top of her head. “I actually came here bec—”

I’m hit by a sudden shower of sand. It coats my chest and gets in my mouth and eyes. I sputter, sitting up, only to be hit with another wave of grit.

“Filthy fucking liar.” A familiar face spits the insult at me as she kicks more sand in my direction. “You think you can just act like nothing happened?”

I put my hands up, managing to block the worst of the next sandy surge. “Stop, Marissa.”

Jessica’s best friend narrows her eyes at me and I brace for the worst. But the worst isn’t directed at me. Marissa’s accusing gaze levels on Valerie, lips curling as she looks sweet, soft Valerie over with a level of judgment she doesn’t deserve. “And you’re a fucking whore.”

Val’s mouth drops open as she shrinks back, arms going around her middle.

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