Page 17 of Filthy Liar

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The deepening flush of her fair cheeks makes me want to continue goading her. Dig deeper into the complicated woman in front of me. "So then you do like it rough."

Valerie sputters as a large wave catches on her chin, sending splashes into her mouth. "I don't know if I like it rough." The pink on her cheeks deepens even more. "This is my first time in the ocean."

I catch her by the arm, keeping her head well above water as I bring her body closer to mine. I want to tease her over the first time comment, but I don’t like seeing her distressed over the rolling waves. "We can head back to the beach if you'd rather relax there."

Part of the reason I wanted her in the water was so I didn't have to share her with our nosy neighbors. The aging crowd filling this part of the beach tends to be talkative, and Val is so sweet and charming they’ll absolutely eat her up.

I can't blame them. I'd like to eat her up myself.

Val suddenly yelps, flailing around a little as she spins in the water, her frantic movements swinging her around until her back is plastered to my front. "Something touched my foot."

I grab her as she continues flailing, doing my best to calm her down. "It was probably just seaweed."

Her honey-colored eyes scan the water around us as she grips the arm I have at her waist, clinging to me. "What if it's a shark?"

"If it was a shark you'd know it." I glance around us just in case. "He probably would've already taken a bite. You do look rather delectable."

Val shoots me a glare over one shoulder. "That's not funny."

I smile. "It's a little funny."

Val’s body jerks in my arms as she starts wiggling. "I felt it again."

The saltwater and suncream has left her skin slippery, and my hold on her starts to slide, leaving me struggling to get a better grip. I shift my arms, bouncing her up so she's higher in the water, thinking it will make her feel better, while also hoping it keeps the tickle of seaweed from scaring her any more than it already has.

She suddenly goes still, the small hands clinging to my arms gripping tighter as a whimpery sort of sound rushes from her lips.

That's when I notice—in my attempt to get a more solid grip on her—one hand has ended up planted directly between her parted thighs. I couldn't initially tell because every part of her is slick and moving, but now that I know, all the blood in my body rushes south. My still half-hard cock surges to life, the solid length of it prodding at her backside.

I won’t deny wanting to get my hands on Valerie, just not like this, so I start to pull away. But then she whimpers again, hips rolling in an effort to chase down my retreating hand.

I let out a little groan when she grips my arm tighter, pinning it in place as she rubs against my fingers. I lean to nip at the shell of her ear, and she gasps, the breathy sound making my cock twitch.

I curve my hand, fully pressing it against her mound, and I'm rewarded with another of those sweet, soft whimpers.

"I thought you didn't like when something touched you in the water, Val." I drag my teeth over the lobe of her ear, flicking it with my tongue.

"I changed my mind." Her eyes come my way. "As long as you promise not to take a bite out of me."

I nip at the spot just below her ear, and her hips work against me again. "I don't know, Darling. You seem to like it when I sink my teeth into you." I keep one arm banded at her waist and the hand between her thighs still, offering nothing but pressure while I wait for clarification. "What do you want, Val?" She tries to work herself against me again, but the movement of the ocean makes it difficult for her to get any sort of real friction going, and she makes a frustrated little grunt that has me smiling against her salty skin. "I need your words. I can't give you what you want if you don't ask for it."

Val whimpers again, her body writhing against mine. "Don't make me say it."

It's an interesting and unexpected response. And makes me wonder why someone who looks like Val is hesitant to ask for the things she wants. "What if I guess and you tell me if I'm right?" I don't wait for her agreement, I'm just as desperate for this as she is, the only difference is I’m not afraid to say what I want. "Do you want my hand in your bikini bottoms, stroking your clit until you come?"

All the air rushes from her in a loud exhale. "Yes, please."

I hum against her skin, pleased as fuck because I'm more than ready for more of this woman. More than ready to give her as many reasons to keep me around as I can. "Such a sweet girl." I work my hand into the front of her bathing suit, sliding over her smooth skin. "So fucking polite." My fingers slick between the plush lips of her pussy, gliding against the slippery wetness protected from the water by the layer of spandex. "You're so wet, Val. Is this all for me?"

Her whole body clenches as I slide over the hard nub of her clit and her quiet whimpers change to something louder and much more obvious.

"You've got to be quiet, Val, otherwise everyone's going to know what I'm doing." I scan the people splashing in the water a handful of meters away, making sure none are paying attention. "Can you do that for me?"

Her head rocks against my shoulder as she nods, continuing to cling to me.

"I knew you could." I stroke along her heated flesh, blood pounding in my ears, heady from the first real contact I've had with a woman in months.

But I can’t pretend it’s only my dry spell that has me nearly ready to spill into the sea. Never has a woman been so eager for and responsive to my touch. Valerie is proving to be as irresistible today as she was last night, and I’m growing addicted to her. Greedy for as much of her as I can get.

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