Page 54 of Fallen Rider

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Fair point, but I’m not willing to let this go.

“The Devil’s Dogs are different. You know that.”

“All I know is I brought my sister here to be protected and now I find out she’s shacking up with their VP.”

“I’m not shacking up with anyone,”I sign. Maybe this isn’t the best time to tell Logan I’ve been claimed…

I don’t get a choice in the matter, though, because Dane’s gravelly voice cuts through our conversation.

“She’s mine,” he declares without a hint of fear.

My stomach clenches in response, my entire body going on high alert as I slide my gaze in the direction of my brother.

Logan looks shell-shocked for a moment, before he seems to pull himself out of it enough to grind out, “Yours? She’s not fucking yours.”

“Yeah, brother, she is. I claimed her—”

He barely gets the words out before Logan has him pushed against the wall, his arm against his throat.

“You fucking prick! You were supposed to be protecting her, not claiming her.”

I tug at my brother’s arm, mouthing the words ‘stop it’, but my silent pleas have no impact on the two men who are focused on each other.

“I didn’t mean for it to happen, Logan, but I won’t apologise for the way I feel about her.”

“You’re a decade older than her.”

“Wasn’t your dad fifteen years older than your mum?”

It was fourteen years, but who’s counting? His words shut Logan down completely. He can’t argue with it, because Dane is right—even if he doesn’t like that he is. Dad was older than Mum and their marriage, until he was killed, was a good one. It wasn’t perfect by any stretch. I still remember they argued when we were little, but I don’t remember any big blow ups. Everyone who mentions my parents describes them as the perfect couple, and I can believe that. Mum still hasn’t remarried, even though it’s been years since Dad died. Part of me wishes she would. I hate her being on her own, especially through things like this, but like Derek, she shows no sign of wanting or being ready to move on.

“That’s not the fucking point, Dane, and you know it’s not.”

“No, then what is? I love her, man, and I’m not going to let you take her from me.”

I jolt.

He loves me?

He loves me?

While I wish he’d chosen a better time to say the words, my heart soars. Dane loves me. How or why, I don’t know, and I don’t care. I just know his words make me elated.

I grab his arm and tug it to get his attention, then I mouth at him, “You love me?”

He all but elbows Logan out of the way, so he can stand in front of me and cup my face in his big hands.

“I didn’t mean for you to hear it that way, but I do love you, and I don’t care about the fact you’re a Saxon and I’m a Devil. We’ll get around that. I’d never make you choose between me and your family.”

“You say that now,” Logan interjects, “but what if there’s no choice but to choose? What then?”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“What if it does?” he presses. “You divide loyalties when you divide clubs.”

“The Devils are bending over backwards to help you and the Saxons. We’re doing that because we’re friends and have been since before I joined my club. I don’t see that changing any time soon.”

“Besides,”I sign, “me being with Dane strengthens that alliance.”

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